By the third time, you're not even grossed out. You just look away, lean him over a surface that's easy to clean, and wait until he's done.
By the fourth time, you stop showering between pukes.
By the fifth time, and he's shaking, you call the doctor. At 4 am. And then you put on Curious George.
By the sixth time, the smell has left. It's nothing but Popsicle colored mucus coming up. And you want to cry, not because you are sorry for yourself, but because your child is green. And miserable. But, he is very cuddly. And you've mastered a position that keeps his head above his chest while you are laying on your side on the couch so you can sleep. Also by this time you wish there was an All George All the time TV station because you've already watched every Curious George you've TiVo'd and it also means that you have to fool with the remote every 30 minutes to load up another one. You also, by this time, tempt fate by trying to play a Veggietale and then Sid the Science Kid, only to find out that no, all we want is George.
By the seventh time, you are in the doctor's office. And you are being treated by a doctor dressed up as Snow White. And you haven't brought a change of clothes for yourself or your son. So you just stand there, with puke on your pajamas. And you take your son's PJ shirt off and just tell people he's being Bruce Lee for Halloween.
We haven't puked in 2 hours. He can only puke one more time in the next 8 hours or we have to go get IV fluids at the hospital. As it is right now, he is asleep in Papa's chair with Mr. Bunny, watching Curious George. I tried to turn the TV off, but he woke up. I have to give him 5 ccs of pedialyte every 15 minutes for 3 hours. Then 7 ccs. Then 10 ccs. If he can make it 8 hours, he can then have either 5 cheerios, 1 slice of banana, or 1 tsp of cooked rice or applesauce. Snow White also said he can have a lollipop or 2 because the sugar is good for nausea.
So pray for my boy. He is puny.
At least his Halloween costume is a pair of Superman pjs! And if he pukes on them, we have a spare--Batman pjs.
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