Monday, September 29, 2008

A Week in Review

MMMmmmm. Mommy introduces Henry to Ranch dressing. Not too crazy about these veggies you are giving me Mommy, so I'll just suck off the dressing and then slather on more Ranch.

Daddy wants you to know that never before has such an awesome robot ever been colored. He tells me it could totally beat up the Iron Giant. Mommy is just proud that I'm not eating the crayons. Last week Mommy let me eat a piece of sidewalk chalk. She said it was better than the acorns I kept putting in my mouth. She finds it odd I'll eat chalk but not cucumbers.
We headed down to Davidson, NC for Grandpa Phillips's birthday. Mommy says it is great we are staying in a suite because then I get to have my own room and she doesn't have to go to bed at 7:30. I think it's awesome because it only took me 5 minutes to find where they keep all of the pots and pans and only ten minutes to break the shelves they were sitting on.
The first of Grandpa P's birthday parties. Mommy was a bit stressed because I kept wanting to play with things made of glass at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandma told her not to worry, but Mommy is afraid of me bearing near Tiffany lampshades. But my cousins, Violet and Bo, shared some matchbox cars with me and that was cool.
We are warriors. We were not afraid of the pouring rain and still made it to the Billy Graham Library on Friday with Grandma and Grandpa Phillips, Great Aunt Phyllis, and Great Uncle Randy and Aunt Nancy. It was my first museum. It had lots of movies for me to watch and I was a real trooper. I just wish they didn't keep making me be the boy in the bubble. Geesh, Mom, it's just rain. I ain't scared of getting wet.

Can't you see where I get my good looks from? The Phillips cousins (aka Marshall and Holly's tribe)--Violet, 7, Bo, 6, and Gigi, 23 months. All dressed up for Grandpa Phillips's 2nd birthday party at Quail Hollow Country Club. Mommy and Daddy wanted to visit some of Mommy's sorority sisters, which was cool, because you know how I love the ladies. Apparently Jenna Cowley (2 yrs) hasn't gotten the memo that trucks are for boys because I don't care if she was playing with it first, I want it now. Mommy, you can say the word "Share" all you want but I think we're making it pretty clear that we don't like that word.

This one (Caroline Harkness, 4 months) is more my speed, Mommy. Although you keep saying "gentle." You do know I'm a 17 month old boy and this is as gentle as I get.
Now that I've taken down the shelf in here, Mommy, I can climb all the way in.

Thank God I get to sleep in my own bed tonight. Next trip, Mommy, you'd better not forget Mr. Bunny.

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