Despite the threat of Hanna, Gigi and Papa (my parents) came to town and took us to one of my favorite restaurants--Bonefish Grill. We discovered here Henry's love of zucchini. In addition to some salmon, lobster, and tuna, he cleared all four of our plates of the zucchini and squash medley garnish.

Henry fell in love with Papa. Much in the same way he prefers his Daddy over me, he prefers Papa to Gigi. I think this is because Gigi and I are always trying to cuddle him, and the men just let him roam around and build blocks with him. It could also be that it was Papa that fed Henry ice cream. Papa also gave Henry all of his zucchini the next night when we went to dinner with my sister's clan at Kan Pai Japanese Steakhouse. It is new to the Short Pump area. All I am saying is that I know Kabuto, I love Kabuto; Kan Pai--you are no Kabuto.

Henry also loved seeing his cousin Isabel at Kan Pai. They both shrieked with delight upon seeing one another. This is a new thing that Henry does--scream for no reason. It is the first truly annoying thing that he has ever done. It's worse than when he tosses his sippy cup at me to let me know it is empty (also a new trick--I'm trying to teach him to say more please, but apparently tossing the sippy across the room is more fun). He shrieks while eating. He shrieks while building towers with his new Duplo blocks (A BIG HIT WITH DADDY TOO!). He shrieks when you change his diaper. He shrieks while riding in his car seat. He shrieks during the benediction at church. (Awesome.)
He also has begun to play with his tongue. I think this is because Isabel loves to roll hers up. Well, Henry can't quite do that yet, so he sticks out his tongue and then holds onto it with his fingers. Then he shrieks. Then he'll make a fish face and then we're back to holding our tongue. And shrieking.
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