Monday, November 5, 2012

3…The Magic Number

This girl is three. 

We (barely) made it out of the terrible twos alive.  Her preschool teachers describe her as a party in a can.  I’d say that is about right.  Because most parties I attended in college were loud, left me sweaty, covered in unknown stains, and crying in the corner.  

I prefer the term "hot mess."

She is sassy and smart.  She is the ultimate Daddy's girl and loves nothing more than to be with, sit on, kiss, climb on, or dance with her Daddy.  When I make her mad, she says, "I'm telling Swoan!"

She is always on the move and can often be found standing on her head.  Her athletic abilities are staggering.  She can do pirouettes, hop across the room on one foot, run like the wind, do forward rolls, and leap from the couch to Sloan’s chair unscathed (which are about 4 feet apart).  And trust me, I have not tried to teach her any of these things.  And given her passion about all things pirate, she usually does all of the above while wielding a sword.  She is currently enrolled in a creative movement class and we are hoping to put her in gymnastics as well after the New Year.  Yes, I do think she is a bit young to have 2 classes a week.  But her temperament and energy level are such that I really do think she will do best when her schedule is booked and her boundaries are firm.  Henry and I will just happily read books and try to move as little as possible while she runs circles around us.

She has two imaginary friends with whom she does EVERYTHING.  Their names are Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Walker.  Incidentally, there is a teacher at her school named Mrs. Walker.  Mrs. Walker isn’t her teacher, but since Mrs. Walker is my friend in real life, she just might dote on Gracie a bit.  And Gracie loves her fans.  We once saw Mrs. Walker at a restaurant and she screamed louder than a tween at a Bieber concert.  At least once a day she asks me, “Remember when we saw Mrs. Walker?  I WUV MRS. WALKER!!!”  

She is a horrible eater.  She would prefer to just eat cheese, crackers, bacon, and Honey Banana Chobani yogurt.  She will pretty much do anything, including keeping on her sleep cap or pooping on the potty, for the promise of a chocolate chip.  And her heart is so big that it is unacceptable to her if only she gets a chocolate chip.  EVERYONE present must eat a chocolate chip with her.  So I take one for the team and eat the chocolate.    

She continues to love her Pinkie and loveys.  She is learning to sit for long periods of time while I do her hair.  Of course, this requires the help of Pixar and snacks, but yesterday I spent 5 hours braiding her hair in the hopes we don’t have to mess with it much during the next two weeks while we move. 

And now, I’ll leave you with her interview.  The answers in italics are my explanations of her own words.

Favorite color: Purple

Favorite Book: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Favorite Song: Jesus Loves Me
Favorite Food: Pizza and Candy!!!  (And of course she asked for candy after answering this) 
Food that is yucky:  beans (actually ALL vegetables are hated equally. She goes to bed without dinner a lot.  A lot.  But she weighs 34 lbs, so clearly, she isn’t starving.)
Favorite Restaurant: Angelo’s
Favorite Sport: Dance class!
Favorite TV Show: Little Einstein’s
Favorite Movie: Mary Poppins (We watch it at least once a week.  We are watching it now.)
Favorite Toy: Lego Soup (She likes to “cook” with legos at her kitchen.)
Favorite Game:  Hide and Seek (*ahem* not so much the seeking)
Favorite Thing at School: play toys with my friends and see Mrs. Walker on da pwayground
Favorite Place to Go: Costco
Favorite Thing to do with Mommy: Spin to music
Favorite Thing to do with Daddy: Cuddle
Favorite Things about Henry: I can’t remember. (I do.  I’d have to say that he has never once hit her or pushed her despite her constant fretting, pushing, sitting upon or toy stealing.  In fact, we’ve had to teach him to use his hands to pry her off of him sometimes.)
Favorite Thing About about Myself: I don’t know.  I gotta tink about it.  I SOOOOO funny. 
If I could go anywhere in the world it would be: Costco. 
When I grow up I want to be: I want to be Gracie Mommy.
3 words to describe myself:  energetic, silly, mischievous
My wish for the coming year:  to be a witch for Halloween.

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