Friday, October 19, 2007

Won't You Be My Friend?

I am now addicted to facebook. Thank you Sonya. However, I feel like I'm struggling to be popular and to have as many friends on it as possible. A bit like seeing how many people you can get to sign your yearbook. It also has led to me doing a little stalking of people from my past. Good times. Good times.
And it is still crazy hot here. Henry is now reduced to simply wearing his diaper. At least when he eats he wears a bib with a tie on it. Unfortunately, I do not look as cute lolling about in my undies and am reduced to wearing sundresses. Apparently, the AC guy can't put more refrigerant in the unit today as there is a forecast for rain. Ugh. So he is coming tomorrow morning. Hopefully all the sweating I'm doing will cause me to lose weight.
Also, Henry has outgrown most of his pajamas. The boy won't be six months old until next week and already is in 12 month pjs. His feet are too big and legs are too long for the 6-9 month footie PJs. I thought preemies are supposed to be small. Oh well. I did, however, get him some cute sock monkey Nick and Nora PJs at Target that are 12 months. Hopefully these will last him for at least a couple of weeks. I'm also praying that at his 6 month check-up the pediatrician will take him off of his pricey high calorie preemie formula. I'm ready to shop for this stuff at Costco.

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