My darling Grace
Most days we spend a lot of time at the bottom step. We talk about what hands are for and blow
kisses and clap and high five and hug.
We practice whispering and using our inside voices. We stand for minutes on end with our noses to
the wall. We pray. We ask for forgiveness. We say we are sorry. These moments, while they are how we spend a
lot of our days as of late, are my least favorite parts of the day. Well, least favorite AFTER the incidents that
mandate our presence on the bottom step.
My favorite part of the day with you is bedtime. Not because you will soon be asleep, but
because of our dear ritual. We lube you
up with Coconut Oil. We gather your hair
or braids and put on your pretty pink silk scarf. We read a Bible story and then you and Henry
each get to select a story. Then Henry
goes to his room and, here is my most favoritest part, you and I snuggle up
with your lovey and Pinkie and rock in the yellow rocking chair and sing.
Generally, we sing three songs. You always ask for ABCs. And once we are done singing the ABC song,
you ask we sing it again. We do
not. You also love Twinkle Twinkle,
Jesus Loves Me, My Bonnie, Amazing Grace, My God is So Big, and your all time
favorite finale song—La La Lu (from Disney’s Lady and the Tramp). You love La La Lu. You are so precious as you belt out the
words. Your nose crinkles, you rub my
face, as you snuggle into my chest. You
even tap my nose when you sing, “Here comes a pink cloud for you.”
And then I tuck you in, with your head on your satin pillow
case, and gather up Pinkie, your multiple loveys, and all of your
stuffies—Eyore, Piglet, a sea lion, a lamb, a mermaid, an owl, a purple sock
monkey, the stuffed Build a Bear dog your brother made you while we were waiting
for you, and your two blankies. Without
even looking, you know if one is missing.

Fold up your wings, close your eyes.
La la lu, la la lu, and may love be your keeper.
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