About 19 years ago, probably 19 years ago exactly as it was halftime of the Carolina-Dook game, my sister called to tell my family she was pregnant with her first child. At fifteen, I was estastic! And since the time little Anderson was born, he has been a joy. He's smart. As a child he would prefer to read than watch television. He was in love with all things Star Wars and Tolkien. Spending many an afternoon in a cloak in his backyard, defending the world against evil.
In middle school, he read the Bible from cover to cover in a week. On a dare.

He is an excellent big brother and also a wonderful cousin to my kids. As a little boy, he too adored Thomas the Tank Engine, so he delights in playing trains with Henry. Down on his knees at the train table, he plays with Henry and enjoys in making Henry giggle.
He also is a hell of an actor.
This afternoon we went to see him in CYT's Aladdin. He played the lead. There were parts where I was so proud I cried. He was handsome and strong. Engaging and talented. And the best part, at times I forgot that he was my nephew and was just taken aback by the man on stage who was Aladdin. It probably helped that the young lady playing Jasmine is actually his girlfriend. (She is also talented and lovely and precious to my children.)
I am so proud to call Anderson mine. I will miss him next year. He will be taking a Gap year between high school and college to study Shakespeare and acting. At Oxford. You know, in England, where Shakespeare lived? Yeah. He's THAT good. And he's mine.*Photos by Kaylin Grace Photography. (aka my kids' awesome babysitter)
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