The Lortab made Henry high. I kept hearing him chatting over the monitor and then he'd bust out laughing. Eventually he went to sleep and only woke up once around 4am. I let him eat breakfast in front of the TV because his arm kept getting stuck in his high chair. I am very afraid I'm setting myself up for some BAD BAD mojo once things get settled down. I had to explain that school had lots of toys just when I turned off Superwhy to avoid a meltdown.
We went to Toys R Us after the Doctor's to get a train and he was so mad that I wouldn't let him out of the cart, the manager brought him a balloon and some woman offered him candy from her purse. (No thank you, crazy lady.) I did, however, open up a bag of Twix for him, which just made him the kid screaming "Up Up Up!" and then "Choo Choo Choo" with chocolate all over his face. I literally had to keep reminding myself, "He's two. Yelling at him won't calm him down. Pretend to be calm. Be thankful you are not having to go through this while pregnant and that it is just a broken arm." Oh, and did I mention that while he was screaming I noticed that his last 4 molars are coming in? Awesome. The end of a LONG day turns out well. Chillin' on the couch. Rockin' my Carolina Blue cast. Watchin' Bolt--a movie where a dog gets on a train. Could it get any better?
Sloan is expected home around 4:30. I expect to crack open a beer at 4:31. I hope Sloan has been thinking about what he is going to cook for dinner.
All ready for school in his new Sperry Topsider shoes and the tote bag Mommy sewed.
Henry discovers he can stow away trains in his sling.
Or as he calls it, "Hiding choo choo!" "Henry, stand up and look at Mommy.
Smile because you are exited to go to school!"
"Whatevs, Mom."
When we get to school, I inform Henry that he cannot take in his choo choo, James. We compromise. I let him put James in his school bag. And please don't try to correct him--he calls it his backpack and gets pretty pissed if you say it is just a bag.
"Henry, come back. That's not the way to your class!"
We made it to preschool orientation and were happily surprised to see many familiar faces from our gym's childcare. He did very well. When his teacher asked him if he liked school and would like to come back, he said "Yeah!" and then went up to her and hugged her.
Notice that the sling is pretty much useless and in no way constricts his movements.
Notice that the sling is pretty much useless and in no way constricts his movements.
Getting his cast was a breeze. Should you have little ones, I highly recommend Dr. Kim at West End Orthopedics. I regret having given him more Lortab at lunch (thinking getting the cast would be painful). Henry was a monster, or rather, was just really fussy--one second wanting his Hop Hop and the next wanting nothing to do with his stuffed rabbit. I have no idea how Moms of fussy babies do it. I imagine there is lots of drinking involved?
He was very still and is now the proud wearer of a Carolina Blue cast. (GO HEELS!!!!) At first the doctor brought in dark blue and I said, "Umm. We can't wear Duke Blue. It's against our religion. If you don't have Carolina Blue, then we'll have to go with Gamecock Red or Tennessee Orange." The doctor laughed and obliged us. He also advised another day or so of rest (aka TV time) to let all the swelling go down and then he'll have no restrictions. We go back for a check up and hopefully to get the cast off in 5 weeks.
We went to Toys R Us after the Doctor's to get a train and he was so mad that I wouldn't let him out of the cart, the manager brought him a balloon and some woman offered him candy from her purse. (No thank you, crazy lady.) I did, however, open up a bag of Twix for him, which just made him the kid screaming "Up Up Up!" and then "Choo Choo Choo" with chocolate all over his face. I literally had to keep reminding myself, "He's two. Yelling at him won't calm him down. Pretend to be calm. Be thankful you are not having to go through this while pregnant and that it is just a broken arm." Oh, and did I mention that while he was screaming I noticed that his last 4 molars are coming in? Awesome. The end of a LONG day turns out well. Chillin' on the couch. Rockin' my Carolina Blue cast. Watchin' Bolt--a movie where a dog gets on a train. Could it get any better?
Sloan is expected home around 4:30. I expect to crack open a beer at 4:31. I hope Sloan has been thinking about what he is going to cook for dinner.
aside from the pictures, the last three sentences were my favorite part of this post.
not that i can relate or anything ;)
That Carolina Blue cast is almost worth breaking your arm for. Nice work H!
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