But upon further reflection, he could've been saying "Boo Boo Ow." Which would DEFINITELY mean that the boy, not unlike Joseph (you know the one with the crazy coat), dreamt about his future. For today, on the first day of my church's Bible Study, no, not even the first day--but on the leader's training day--HENRY BROKE HIS ARM. He fell on the playground.
When they came to get me, I must confess that I thought, "I ain't raising no wienie. The boy will be fine." But he was still crying when I went to get him. He was inconsolable. And this is the kid who doesn't cry at shots or even when a skylight breaks on his head. So it was off to the Pediatric ER for us. We called his doctor on the way who got us in lickety split. He cried the entire way across town and during his admission. And even more when I had to take away his sippy cup of water and his goldfish per the nurse's instructions (it was lunch time, you know).
But thankfully, the ER was equipped with the Disney channel and we got to watch Handy Manny, which calmed him down. However, every 5 minutes or so, he'd clutch his left arm, say "Boo Boo" and then shudder. And when it came time to be Xrayed, he freaked out again. (Because we WERE contorting his arm around.) And yet, he still managed to say "Cheese" when the radiology tech told him he was going to take a picture of his arm and "Tank Ooo" to the nurse who wrapped his arm and gave him his teddy bear sling.
We get his hard cast from the Pediatric Orthopedist tomorrow at 1:30. (Because I still am thinking we'll be going to Henry's Preschool Orientation tomorrow morning at 10. Keep your fingers crossed we sleep tonight. Henry's got liquid Lortab.) And the Dr knows our family, because he's set my nephew's arm three times and even put a steel rod in it. Henry reminds me a lot of his cousin, Jonathan. Perhaps I should just ask for a prophylactic steel rod. And yes, we'll be getting the waterproof Gortex cast.
As it is now, Henry is happily plopped on the couch watching his beloved Lightning McQueen. I'd been trying to have a complete two weeks without watching the movie Cars, but alas, God is teaching me to not be such a legalist. I'd hoped to phase out TV all together because the Pickle gets REALLY sour when a show ends and I haven't wanted to deal with it. Thanks, God, for not letting me not love my son and reminding me that Henry is not a problem to be dealt with b
It also sort of gives me a parenting bye. I have no guilt in letting my son watch TV all day for the next few days. On tap, some Phillips family faves--Cars, Space Chimps, Bolt, and the Leap Frog Letter Factory Video. It really is the only way he'll sit still. I mean, this is the kid who has been known to scale walls and sit on the top shelf in his closet during nap time. (How we've lasted this long without a broken arm is shocking, really.) He's not crazy about propping up his arm on a pillow, but has been fine with me sticking an ice pack in his sling every hour or so. Apparently, I was right--I'm not raising a wienie.
Broken arms just hurt.
Thankfully, he has lots of people praying for him. And his friend Anna (his BFF's older sister and the reason why Henry calls ALL little girls Anna) is apparently crafting for him. Upon hearing Henry broke his arm, she told her mother, "Oh I know just what to do. I'm going to color him a Curious George picture." What a good friend, and what a good reason for her to be that person to whom all females are compared. I pray he continues to have such dear friends who know and love him.
I have been thinking of you and him and praying all day. I got tears in my eyes just seeing him so sad. I will be praying for good rest tonight.
hope he gets a cool color. they don't make them like they use too. way more fun!
Oh no!!! I am so sorry. That is terrible. I broke a lot of bones when I was little (I broke my right arm twice...the second time two days after getting the cast off my arm from the first break...nice.), and I still remember those yucky, itchy casts. Poor little guy...but man, he still looks so darn cute!
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