Today I am 33 weeks pregnant. I have been at the hospital for 61 days. Henry is doing well and is very active. It is very funny to watch my belly gyrate as he wiggles around. I have my next pelvic exam on Thursday. Dr. Murray says she is hoping that things will have stayed the same. If I have remained stable, then I should get bathroom privileges and possibly a couple of wheelchair rides next week. She even offered an afternoon trip outside on a pretty day, however, I confessed that seeing as this is the first spring in recent memory during which I've been able to breathe, I'd rather not sit out in the pollen factory.
I have been watching a lot of the coverage regarding the massacre at Virginia Tech. I have been horrified by both the senseless violence and the idiotic responses of so many outsiders. For example, there was this yahoo from Radford at one of the press conferences who kept asking if the police knew if anything like this was going to happen in future. What? Or how come no one tried to jump on the shooter because that is what he would've done. Sure you would have, hero. I also don't know why so many news outlets found the silliest students they could find who simply spread rumors they heard from a friend whose friend was on campus and heard from their girlfriend that people were scared. I'm also confused as to anyone honestly believes that they could have shut down the university right after the 911 call and how they would've suggested doing this. I remember college and I'm pretty sure that I rarely was awake that early in the morning and if I was by some unfortunate event awake before 10 am, I wasn't checking anything for news coverage. And were they really expecting the doctor's to release the names of the victims and discuss their injuries?
My phlebotomist this morning exemplifies this stupidity. She believes that really the shooting may be a government conspiracy. That we should have some sort of way of communicating with people because what if this was a terrorist attack. That Universities should have a police presence at all times with guns and that teachers should have been calling their students. I said, "so you mean you want to live in a police state with a giant phone tree?"
I do not mean to sound jaded, it is simply that I cannot stand that more people are concerned with placing blame on those who have done nothing but work their butts off to help the victims than on facing the fact that everyday we are confronted with evil and the person to blame for this tragedy is the shooter. We live in a broken world and if we forget this we are fooling ourselves. And yet, the fact that an elderly Holocaust victim gave his life placing himself between the shooter and several students tells me that despite the evil abbounding, God is at work amongst us.
Amen, Sister! You said it exactly! And, by the way, congratulations on making it to 33 weeks with your mental faculties fully intact (and Henry safely in place). Your strength is truly amazing!
Hey EJ!
So glad to hear that you are doing well... I miss you and can't wait to see you soon!
Meg sent me your blog info this morning. I have been so out of it lately!!!
Love you, love you, and love you!
So happy for you, S, and little H!
Love, Kate
Hey EJ!
I miss you, and am so happy that you and H are doing great! I can't wait to see you!
Meg gave me your blog info this am, and this is my first trial run. I think that I may have written you 2 notes. Oh well!
Love you, and love you some more!
Hugs to you, Little H, and S!
Love, K
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