Friday, April 6, 2007

Very Good Friday

Fridays rock. Massage. Shower. My sweet Sloan spends the night.

I think Henry is going through a growth spurt as I am now constantly hungry and tired. And he has begun waking me up in the middle of the night with his incessant, but sweet, wiggling. He is not so much a kicker lately, rather he shakes his little heiny which is lodged under my ribs on the right side. OK, so his is dancing and kicking now. I have the TV's speaker right by my belly and it's the beginning of Ellen. So they are dancing together. He also tends to be wigglier on the days I have young, pretty nurses.

I had my first regular length seated shower today and it feels fabulous to be clean. Tomorrow my doctor is going to wheel me down the hall to an exam room for my checkup, so that should be a fun too.

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