Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Crappy Day
Friday, December 14, 2007
Leave it to the Swedes...
"Hey Mom, I thought you said there was going to be treats in this thing?"
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Do they make baby cages?
Henry is also a bit grabby hands. We went to a Christmas Party last Friday night and I can definitely say that he was the most popular guy there with all of the ladies. He likes them a lot older than him. At one point, Sloan approached me asking, "Umm, where is our son?" I looked around, having not seen him in about ten minutes, and said, "Oh--he's over there. Being held by that woman I've never seen before in my life." He was passed around like a beach ball at a Jimmy Buffet concert. By the end of the night, he had broken two necklaces, untied two ladies' wrap dresses, and successfully felt up almost every woman at the party. He loves anything V-neck--it provides him with a little pocket to stick his chubby hand in and giggle. As we left, I told his Auntie Robin (whose party is was), "Yeah, I figure once your son has gone to second on every girl in the room it is time to go." What can I say? He is a man after his dad's own heart...
Friday, December 7, 2007
Skateboarding with Santa

I have also discovered that Henry loves to play with blocks and only feigns laziness with Mom and Dad at home. Usually, after a couple of minutes of sitting up, he'll roll to one side or flop on his back. I thought it was just that he wasn't strong enough yet to keep sitting up. Yesterday I babysat for a family I used to work for and their children were building him towers with blocks for him and their one year old, Quinn, to knock over. Henry sat up for about thirty minutes. That little bugger! So he is strong enough to sit up when it suits him!!! What was I expecting--he is a man.
Reasons I'll Never Be Mom of the Year
2. On Tuesday, my son almost choked on the aforementioned Ambien Toy. There is a piece of green rick rack on it that was lodged in his throat. I was working and I heard this hacking coming from his pack and play. Sure enough, I had to pull the rick rack out of his mouth. Remember when you used to swallow spaghetti and then pull the noodle back out? This is what it was like. Note to self, the Ambien toy, despite its catchy name, is not a sleepy time toy.
3. On Wednesday, I let my son roll off the couch and onto the floor. I was getting ready to feed him and had left his burp pad in the kitchen. As soon as grabbed the burp pad I heard a thud, then a pause, and then blood curdling screams. After many cuddles, he calmed down and took his bottle. There were no bumps or bruises.
4. When taking him to see Santa yesterday, I accidentally dropped his coat in the mall and then later could not find it. I'm guessing it was stolen as there is only about 5 minutes time in which the coat's where abouts cannot be accounted.
5. I'm forcing my son to take an extra nap today so that he can stay up late tonight and go with us to a friend's Christmas party.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Obsession, Sadness, and Manliness
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Pictures from Thanksgiving
Joshua (age 6) asleep in my old toddler bed in my room at my parents' house. How sweet!

The two Marshalls. Also, notice that Henry now enjoys sticking out his tongue. This is a trick Sloan taught him and he has yet to put his tongue back inside his mouth. Oh well.
Grandma and Grandpa Phillips with Violet (almost 7), Bo (almost 5), and Henry.
Henry's 14 month old cousin, Gigi. As you can see, sweet chubby cheeks is common in the Phillips family.
Henry's first visit to a playground. He enjoyed swinging. (There's that silly tongue again!)
Henry's First Thanksgiving
We also headed down to Davidson for another Thanksgiving meal with Sloan's folks and his brother Marshall's family. I used to think that Henry was a dead ringer for Marshall, but when I saw him holding him, it just confirmed that I was wrong and that Henry looks like Sloan more and more each day.
Sloan and I also went to a birthday party for my high school friend, Katharine and took Henry for the first part of it. It was great to be able to introduce him to all of my old buddies and relish in that his title is now secure--Henry is the cutest baby on the planet. I tried getting my parents to admit that He was their cutest grandchild, but all I got was that he was the cutest 7 month old. Although my dad did admit that Henry was the best behaved. I think this was because Henry and Papa did a lot of snoozing together in front of the TV. Henry sure got his grandparent cuddle quotient met!
Right now, Henry is teething. He is working on his bottom left tooth, which I lovingly refer to as his "twofer." He struggles with falling to sleep, cries if I am not in his line of sight, and I find myself constantly drugging him with baby Tylenol.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I am a big dork
Thursday, November 15, 2007
First Official Meeting of the Henry Marshall Phillips Fan Club
From left to right--
Shannon Reppard (Official Baby Holder), Henry, Ann Long (Official Pointer and toy shaker), Robin Pritchard (President and Henry's crush). Not Pictured--Elizabeth Phillips (founder)
Henry's Christmas Stocking
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Complete Waste of Time
Another waste of my time was the movie Eragon. My nephews have read all of the books and I wanted to be able to connect to them. Apparently, this book was written by a 14 year old. You can tell. Take Lord of the Rings, subtract the Christian allegory, then add a dash of Star Wars, and even a bit of Dances with Wolves (why do these warriors wear feathers in their hair?!) and there you go. The dialogue was horrible and predictable. The only reason I can figure that the producers were able to get big name talents like Jeremy Irons, John Malkovich, and Robert Carlyle is that they must all have sons who love the books. Those actors must've kept asking, "But what is my motivation?" It's only redeeming quality was that the kid who plays Eragon is easy on the eyes. I'm sure it plays well among gay circles. I'm sure there were some people in South Beach who went as Eragon and Braun for Halloween. I will have to find out from my nephews if the book is any better.
Friday, November 9, 2007
My son, Lurch
Also, Henry definitely does not like peas. Yesterday, all I had to do was show him the bowl of peas and he cried. And like a mean mommy I still made him eat them. Introducing vegetables has been interesting to say the least. Adding fiber to his diet certainly mak
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Things I love
2. Hearing "You have arrived" from the Magellan.
3. The ignorasaucer, er I mean, exersaucer.
4. Costco baby wipes.
5. Sleep.
6. Friends who babysit my son and love it.
7. Having most of my Christmas shopping done.
8. Watching Henry eat peas.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Kid In a Box
Step 1. Take the diapers out of the box.
Step 2. Stick your kid in the box.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
What good parenting looks like. (Or proof things have changed since college.)
The Gaggle of Kids--There's two seventies kids, Bob the Builder (who also carries a sword), Henry the Tiger, Dora the Explorer, Two Star Wars Storm Troopers, Jengo Fett, a Pirate, and a witch.
Daddy and Mommy took turns trotting Henry up to people's doors to Trick or Treat. We totally scored on yummy candy. Heck Yeah!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Baltimore, Delaware, Philly, Oh My!
In Wilmington,
After a much needed night of passing out, er, sleep we were then off to New Jersey for Sloan's work meetings. We were in Mt. Laurel, NJ, which is just over the Delaware River from Philly. And what would a trip to Philly be without eating a cheesesteak? So we ate at Pat's King of Steaks. Yum. And the cheese fries rocked too. Soooo goood.
After spending his first night in a hotel, we headed into Philly on Monday. PRAISE GOD FOR OUR NEW MAGELLAN GPS DIRECTION SYSTEM!!! It is fantastic and it is so fabulous to hear that smooth voice tell you, "You have arrived." Unfortunately, when you make a wrong turn she says, "Rec
The next day we slept in late and then went to Reading Terminal Market to eat the Mac and Cheese from Delilah's Southern Cuisine that Oprah named the Best Macaroni and Cheese in America. We also saw Delilah on the Food Network on Bobby Flay's Showdown. It was definitely some good mac and cheese. We got back to Richmond last night around 10 and I can definitely say that I am glad to be home and in my own bed. Even Henry missed the comfort of his crib, being stuck all week in his Pac N Play. But look how sweet and cute he is in his size 12 mo
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
No tricks, Just treats...
Friday, October 19, 2007
Dude, Henry, You've got something on your face
Won't You Be My Friend?
And it is still crazy hot here. Henry is now reduced to simply wearing his diaper. At least when he eats he wears a bib with a tie on it. Unfortunately, I do not look as cute lolling about in my undies and am reduced to wearing sundresses. Apparently, the AC guy can't put more refrigerant in the unit today as there is a forecast for rain. Ugh. So he is coming tomorrow morning. Hopefully all the sweating I'm doing will cause me to lose weight.
Also, Henry has outgrown most of his pajamas. The boy won't be six months old until next week and already is in 12 month pjs. His feet are too big and legs are too long for the 6-9 month footie PJs. I thought preemies are supposed to be small. Oh well. I did, however, get him some cute sock monkey Nick and Nora PJs at Target that are 12 months. Hopefully these will last him for at least a couple of weeks. I'm also praying that at his 6 month check-up the pediatrician will take him off of his pricey high calorie preemie formula. I'm ready to shop for this stuff at Costco.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
At the Gun Show
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
We are Those People
Monday, October 1, 2007
State Fair 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007
No Awards for Me...
Last week in Bible Study we were studying the Holiness of God, particularly the prophet Isaiah's reaction. Basically, Isaiah sees the holiness of God and is awestruck by it and his own finitude, saying "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!" I commented to my small group that I'm not really undone by my shortcomings and, as a matter of fact, seem to relish them. Convicted that this is certainly sinful, I prayed to be undone by the Holiness of God and my own sin. Big mistake. Like praying for humility. What was I thinking? I quite enjoy believing everything is OK and I'm OK and I have relatively little need for redemption much less God. Ugh.
So God heard my prayer and I was undone. I realized that what has really been pissing me off these past couple of days is the simple fact that life ain't easy. Sure, this is a lesson I've learned umpteen times before. You would think that spending three months in the hospital would've gotten me used to the idea. So I've been ticked off that I'm not getting my way. That there is this little person who is so stinkin' needy all of the time. That I'll have just arrived at the good part of the book and then all of the sudden he wakes up from his nap and wants to be fed. Or I'll have just sat down to eat and he'll poop. Or finished cutting out my fabric and finally be ready to sew and he'll have turned himself over and be angry or laying in a puddle of spit up. I think it has finally clicked that Henry can't help being selfish, that he is supposed to be calling out to me, and that I am not the baby anymore. To make matters worse the mere admission of this puts to death my dreams of the kind of mom I've always imagined I'd be. The kind of Mom who bakes brownies and puts little notes in your lunch box and packs you two puddings so you have an extra to trade, who is skinny with perfect hair and a ruffled, polka dotted apron. Sort of a modern Donna Reed with a dash of Claire Huxtable. But as a mother, I feel a bit more like the father from the Berenstein bears. Constantly falling in the mud, saying, "So now you see how not to do it..."
But things are starting to change. This morning in church something clicked. We were singing the hymn "It is Well With My Soul" and in one of the verses it says "My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more." And I thought, okay, so I'm not going to be nominated for any mother of the year awards. Why am I still bearing this burden? Get over yourself. God is not going to let you screw Henry up past the point of no return. In fact, God seems to think you're the perfect Mommy for Henry. It's a bit like I've faced my finitude, been undone, and then put back together again by the fact that it is God's job to fix me, not mine. But I do so love to be in control. And I do so want to be a good Mom.
Growing up, my dad always told me that "if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well". In college, I had a professor who told me that "the best is the enemy of the good." And then in grad school, I had a teacher, Henry Simmons, who said, "Some things are so worth doing, they are worth doing poorly." At different times in my life each saying has held merit, but I think in the grand scheme of things, Henry is right. We can't be great at everything, but that shouldn't stop us from living and loving and falling on our face now and again because in the end, we are loved far more than we know, and fear should hold no place in the Christian's life.
So I am going to just love my son. I'm not going to worry that I put him in his swing a little too much. He likes his swing. I'm not going to fret that sometimes he eats less than the books say he should--the boy has so many rolls his wrists have cleavage! In fact, I think I'm going to stop reading the books all together. (Although I do reserve the right to Google things.) I'm not going to loose sleep over the fact that this afternoon I couldn't turn my son's face away from the Television set as he watched the show Las Vegas.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
He also enjoys the show "The Office." Whenever we quote it to him, he laughs. When I say, "Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica" he laughs so much he starts coughing and spitting. It's hilarious. So now I am saying "Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica" all of the time.
He also had his first bowl of rice cereal this week. I use the term "bowl" loosely as I mainly just shoveled the same spoonful back in his mouth over and over again. This also made him laugh. He was just goopy and giggly, unsure of why Mommy kept sticking that thing in his mo
This week, I also have begun trying to wean myself off of my post-partum happy pills. Big mistake. Sloan was in New Jersey overnight and a glimpse of single momdom through me for a loop. That was the night before he peed on me, then pooped on me, then threw up on me all in one day. That day was only topped by the next morning when the brand new tub of Tide I'd bought at Costco fell of
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
More ladies for lovin'
Also, my college roomie Theresa and her husband Aaron found out that despite earlier ultrasound predictions, that they too are having a GIRL who will also be named Maggie.
What is this? Why are you people takin' my girl name? Had Henry been a girl he would've been Emma Sloan, but more and more lately I've been thinking of my grandmother Johnson, my best friend from growin' up, Meg, and also Katharine's mom, Margaret Ann, aka "Momma Hall" and was planning to name the next Baby P (if it's a girl), Margaret and call her "Meg." So what doin'?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Stinky Pickles and Bricks
Henry now has two favorites. It used to just be me, no one els
I'm also becoming dorky. I came home from my first day of Bible Study yesterday and told Sloan, "There's this cute girl in my small group. She's really pretty, also has a new baby boy, and dresses cool. I hope I can make her my friend." Sloan said, "Really? Maybe you should ask Mom if she can come over to play. What are you, twelve?"