Joshua (age 6) asleep in my old toddler bed in my room at my parents' house. How sweet!

Henry and his sweet cousin Isabel love one another as they hug each other good night. (Sorry it is dark--it was taken with Sloan's phone sans flash.)

We are thinking of sending this photo of Sloan, Biff and Isabel to Hillary for her to campaign with in Vermont and San Francisco.

What is my mom doing to me?

From our Christmas card photo shoot. Yes, my son is outdoors in the freezing cold with no shoes on. This is also the first picture I've seen where he even remotely looks like my son.

Apparently there was some sort of finger sucking contest going on here between Isabel and Henry. I think maybe Isabel is winning for having one in her mouth and another up her nose.

The two Marshalls. Also, notice that Henry now enjoys sticking out his tongue. This is a trick Sloan taught him and he has yet to put his tongue back inside his mouth. Oh well.
Grandma and Grandpa Phillips with Violet (almost 7), Bo (almost 5), and Henry.

Henry's 14 month old cousin, Gigi. As you can see, sweet chubby cheeks is common in the Phillips family.
Henry's first visit to a playground. He enjoyed swinging. (There's that silly tongue again!)
1 comment:
I get so excited when you post new photos. They are always so adorable! Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take care and we miss you here in CO!
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