Yesterday we took treats to the nurses that took care of me while I was on bed rest, the NICU nurses, and my OB/GYN. They were very excited to see Henry and my OB was c
urious as to when we'd be up for another kid. I told her to ask our perinatologist(Dr. Troyer) and fertility doc (Dr. Tidey)--who happen to be married to one another--to let us know when they need another boost in the Troyer/Tidey trust fund. We figure we've sent their boys to private school for at least a year. The treats, I must say, were very cute. Even if I did come up with the idea myself. I filled these little jack-o-lantern bowls with Hershey kisses and attached a sign with Henry's picture in his Hershey Kiss costume and wrote on it "No tricks. Just treats! Love, Henry, Elizabeth, and Sloan Phillips." Henry was going to be a Hershey's kiss for Halloween but after the photo shoot I decided it was too difficult to struggle with a hat all night long and so Henry is now going to be a Tiger. He looks so cute in his little Tiger costume and the thing looks so cozy, I may just use it as his winter coat. I'll be sure to post pics of Henry on Halloween.
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