But the bestest thing was celebrating the life of the boy who first made me a mom. The lone boy to grow in my tummy as opposed to my heart. Sometimes he feels left out because he only has one Mommy. But then his darling father reminds him that he has a great Mommy and so that is enough.
We celebrated with all things Wii and Lego. I felt like a better Mom when he was obsessed with Thomas and trains. Thomas is so wholesome while his non-stop chatter about Mario and Skylanders seems, well, it seems like I just let him play video games all day long. Which is not the case. (Full disclosure: it sometimes is the case. But when it is your birthday, you get to do what you want and the boy wanted to play with his new games.)
We had a Super Mario themed birthday party at the house for him. Once again, I was insane and built him a pinata. Some folks said I made the box too strong and feared it would never break. But EVERY one of the 35 kids got a swing at it. Henry went first and then we went in order of age. It broke on the very last swing. So the point goes to me. I am a pinata genius. So there.
It was question box full of coins and other trinkets.
And I made a couple pin the mustache on Mario boards. Which we never even used because playing this game when you have 35 kids at a party is ridiculous. I am taking it as a sign of personal growth that I was totally okay with scrapping this.
And we had one up cupcakes.
We did briefly try a Yoshi egg in spoon race. But when the kids learned that I'd cheated a bit and boiled the eggs, it quickly turned into a "Let's throw boiled eggs at each other game". Whatever. They had a blast.
I did, however, learn a few lessons. Like if you have a big back yard with a trampoline, a sandbox, a swingset, a sloped driveway and a bunch of big wheels and glide bikes, you really don't need any other organized activities.
My darling Henry, I pray you always understand that you are loved. You are a treasure. You are kind and brave. Smart and funny. You tell me no less than 40 times a day that you love me, that I'm the best mom in the world, and that I'm beautiful. And pretty. And wonderful. And kind. Oh dear one, you are easy to love. I pray you are always as quick to forgive and love and laugh as you are at age 6.