Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Five year Interview

Favorite Color: Light blue
Favorite Book: the Bible
Favorite Food: Pizza
Food that is yucky: Spaghetti with Sauce
Favorite Restaurant: Angelo’s
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Show: Thomas and Friends
Favorite Movie: Wall-E
Favorite Toy: Thomas trains
Favorite Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2
Favorite thing at school: Playing on the computer
Favorite Season: January, it’s the first one.
Favorite Place to Go: Our condo at the beach.
Favorite thing about Mommy: We like to play puzzles.
Favorite thing about Daddy: His pancake flipping skills.
Favorite thing about Grace: That she’s my sister.

Favorite thing about myself: Jesus is in my heart.
If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be: Disneyworld!
When I grow up, I want to be: a sailor, just like Daddy.*
When I was little I used to: Be in Mommy’s tummy.
Three words to describe me are: Awesome, Giggly, and Expert.
My one wish for this year: For Charlie to hurry up and get here.

*Ummm, Sloan is in sales.  He's not a sailor.  But this was Henry's answer.  Awesome.  

1 comment:

Kate said...

When my 4 year old was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she said "hold up the signs, like Daddy". He's a scientist..... Reminds me of your little fellow wanting to be a sailor.