Monday our case worker C came to our house. She interviewed each of us individually. We talked about teenage rebellion, our
relationships with our folks and one another.
C also got to hear what it sounds like when a meeting goes longer than
expected and we leave Gracie in her room for too long. And since we have a video monitor, she got to
see it as well. Basically, she got to
watch G jump off her train table and hear her sing the Muppets Manamana
song. Over and over again. My cell phone also rang a lot because my
friend who was keeping Henry had expected me to pick him up at 4 (since, ya
know, C got to our house at 12:30), but I didn’t get over to pick Henry up
until 4:40 or so. Awesome.
On Tuesday, Sloan and I went to the Bethany office for a
joint interview. Again we talked about
our parents, our marriage, our views on parenting, and our (ahem) romantic
life. When asked if I was satisfied in
my love life, I may or may not have said, “You know, I don’t like that
question. It’s asks if I am satisfied. To satisfy means to completely fufill
desires, to be full of something. Well,
I will never get enough of Sloan. I will
always want more kisses.” Sloan
blushed. C just said, “Ok, I’m just
going to put yes.”
And then my stupid cell phone started ringing again. Sloan was peeved I hadn’t turned it off, but
I needed it on in case something happened to the kids. C understood this. It was an 800 number so I just turned the
ringer down. Five minutes later, it
vibrated on the table. Again an 800
number, so I ignored the call. Then my
sister called. And texted. So I picked up my phone and said, “I think I
ought to listen to these voicemails. My
sister is my emergency contact.”
Ummm…apparently our burglar alarm was going off at our house
and ADT had been trying to reach us. So
they called my sister and dispatched the police. Which I guess would’ve been good if we had
had a burglar and not just an idiot homeowner who set the alarm, forgetting
that her cleaning lady was coming over.
Sloan and C asked what was wrong. “Um, our alarm is going off and they’ve
dispatched the police. So it is entirely
possible that our housekeeper has been arrested. Sweet. Can we leave this part
out of our homestudy?”
We had a good laugh and I made some calls. The police were cancelled and the cleaning
lady thought it was funny. Or she didn’t
understand my explanation of it and was just laughing at me. Either way, she cleaned my house.
We were supposed to have our final homestudy home visit
tomorrow. But it has been postponed
(augh!) because we cannot seem to find any psychologist available to give us
our MMPI tests. And China requires that every
person who has ever seen a counselor of any kind for any duration or has ever
experienced trauma or has ever taken a med for anxiety or depression or has
ever had a problem with drugs or alcohol to take the test. So I’m fairly certain that equals to all
Americans taking these tests to adopt from China. Bonus.
So we wait.
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