Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gimme a Break

That is the sound I make when Sloan comes home from a long trip.  Perhaps even more so yesterday.  We had picked up Qdoba for lunch for a driveway picnic and he was there.  The kids started chanting, “Daddy’s home!  Daddy’s home!”  and then they both scrambled to unbuckle and run to him.  It was precious.  Gracie almost toppled him over.

And because my husband is brilliant (and maybe because he didn’t like the leftovers he saw thawing out on the kitchen counter) he called an audible.  5:15 showing of Puss in Boots.  And to make it even more awesome, we were the only folks in the theater.  So Gracie’s need to dance fight along with Puss and Kitty was not a problem.  And what do you serve for dessert when dinner is popcorn, Captain’s Wafer crackers, and Snapea Crisps?  Why Sweet Frog frozen yogurt of course.

It was just what the doctor ordered: a random Monday Funday.  A time for us to simply retreat and be. 
I think I believed that to be still and know that God was God meant actually sitting.  Most likely cross-legged on a tapestry whilst humming “God is God” in a monotone voice.  Turns out, I think it actually means to just rest.  To fall back into God’s Sovereignty.  To stop the striving and the grasping and the guessing and the planning for multiple what ifs.

And that most certainly can be done while holding hands with my husband across the backs of my kids in a movie theater.  Thank you, Lord, for a husband who doesn’t feed my crazy but forces me to retreat from it.


Ali Foley Shenk said...

Love it!

Laura said...

I don't know if you remember me, but I am a good friend of Robin Ps....I LOVE reading your blog, especially the recent adoption bits....the part about a mommy being the child's biggest need is so true...and wanting to be the face the child sees post surgeries...LOVE...cannot to wait to hear the rest of your ride. Your dead on truths kill me...love it...praying for everything to keep making sense to you and praying for your sweet family.
Laura Bland