A friend of mine posted on my Facebook wall that she was hoping I would post some witty comment regarding the whole injustice surrounding the Casey Anthony trial. Well, before I say a couple of things about it, I have to make a disclaimer.
I really have no idea about any of the details. I didn't watch one single minute of the trial. I vaguely remember something being said about a smelly car a long time ago. I think I'm maybe one of three people on the planet who can say this. What I do know I've learned from other people's Facebook status updates and my friend Abbe who caught me up on some of the details the other day while we were at the pool.
For starters, I'd like to say that this is not because I'm better than you people who watch a lot of Court TV or whatever station it was running on. I'm not. I just don't watch a lot of TV.
No. That's a lie. I watch a lot of Disney Junior. And typically, they don't run things about kid murders on the Disney Channel. (Though I could be wrong, I really only DVR Handy Manny and Little Einsteins.) I also tend to simply watch whatever is On Demand. And lately that's been old episodes of Toddlers and Tiaras. So clearly, my ignorance is not because watching parenting train wrecks is beneath me.
BUT.... here are my two cents about the whole scenario...
It just plain sucks.
I put on FB that I didn't believe in Karma. Because I don't. Grace and Karma are complete opposites--they can't even operate side by side. If I want grace, I have to be willing to see it given to others. That may be offensive to you. Heck, it's offensive to me. But that's why the Gospel is Good News. It ain't fair and that's just the way I like it. And if you're honest, you're probably glad you don't get everything you deserve either.
That said, I also believe in a Sovereign God. Who, in His time, will bring kid killers to justice. It may just be that at some point she'll repent, and then, here's the real offensive part, I'll have to agree with God that the cross of Christ is big enough for her sins as well. Because people, if Jesus' death and Resurrection isn't enough for a murderer's sins then we're all mother-effing doomed.
I believe that little Caylee's death is so tragic that no verdict rendered would be enough to serve justice. Even if they'd imposed the death penalty. I think the only thing large enough to cover the murder of a kid is the Cross. That's how broken I think this is. So broken that only God can fix it.
I also kind of wish that instead of being glued to the TV, people had spent more time taking care of the children who are still in homes with abusive parents. That perhaps we'd budget for more DSS case workers. And more people would become child advocates. That more folks would offer free parenting classes and that people would actually take them. That Bethany Christian Services would be able to fund their SafeFamilies program in more cities. That hearts would change regarding adoption so that it wouldn't be seen as "giving up" but "providing for". The ability to procreate, obviously, does not qualify one to become a parent.
I also put on FB that I don't think Caylee cares about today's verdict. If you do, then I'd ask you to reconsider your views on Heaven. You think you're going to be in Heaven, with Jesus, in your mansion, with your big, big yard where you can play football (Touchdown!) and you're going to care what's happening on earth? I think Caylee is finally being loved fully and perfectly by her Heavenly Father and I'm confident that that's enough to wipe away every tear.
1 comment:
I'm one of those 3 people that truly have absolutely no clue as to what is going on with this trial! I also completely agree with you. My thought is that I hope, somehow she finds the Lord through all of this and repents...because no one deserves eternal damnation no matter how big the sin. Jesus died to cover all the sins on this Earth.
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