Please forgive me for typos. I'm blogging on my Ipad.
At present, I'm in Michigan for a leadership conference for Bethany Christian Services. Tonight I went to a meeting where the following phrases were bandied about--percentages, overhead, federally funded grants, budgets, legislation, inter country adoption, and synergy. Individually, I understand what those words mean. When used together in sentences by people with titles like CFO, COO, and President, I find myself completely lost in an Adam Sandburg skit wanting to shout "Like a Boss!" at really inappropriate times.
I knew this coming in. That I would be the artsy adoptive Mommy in a sea of corporate workers, a foreign exchange student to brighten everyone's experience. So I packed appropriately: black pants, snappy heels, subtle make-up, FABULOUS jewelry not purchased at Target. To represent stay at home Moms as a whole. To show up and say, "We're here. We're snazzy. Get used to it."
Instead, after the aforementioned meeting, I finally got to go up to my hotel room and unpack. And I forgot my friggin' toiletries bag. Say it with me---- Mother Effer!! And all my make up and cute Ann Taylor and Stella and Dot jewelry is with it, hanging in my bathroom in VA.
I asked if there was a CVS nearby. No, however, the front desk lady assured me she had everything I needed. She handed me a razor, a fine tooth comb, deodorant, toothpaste, and a circa 1950s toothbrush. Jokingly, I said, "Um, do you have any Ambien?" She did not laugh.
So now, instead of being fantasy Elizabeth--snazzy and smart--I'll be 7th grade Elizabeth. Frizzy and zitty and in the back row.
Augh, crap. I guess this is just how I roll...
1 comment:
Hi - my husband and I along with a board of directors just launched a nonprofit last month (The Sparrow Fund - to give grants to adoptive families. We are trying to get adoptive families who blog to post about it to spread the word. If you have any interest, can you email me? We'd love to have you!
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