It is with great news that I can report that Gracie passed her most recent blood tests with flying colors. All threats of lasting health issues posed by her birthmother are done with. There is not a trace of her birthmothers yucko immune system left in sweet Grace and we never again have to go to the clinic at MCV for blood draws. Which is a blessing as when we went in December they dug around in her chubby little arm four times without being able to get a vein. We went again this past Tuesday and thanks to the many prayers of my bible study ladies and orphan care community friends, they found a vein on the first try! Yes, she still cried the entire time and I had to literally lay across her, but we have been given the go ahead to never return again.
I still try and read as to whether the drugs sent through her system in utero will have a lasting effect on her development. For now, she shows no signs of any delays. She is easily soothed, quick to laugh with Henry, and is chatting up a storm. I can't remember what all she is supposed to be doing at 15 months as Henry did have a speech delay at this point and had just begun to walk.
But as for now, she can say the following...
Mama, Dada, Budda (for brother), baby, no, uh-oh (though like most toddlers, she has yet to discover hurling your sippy cup across the room does not warrant an uh-oh), yum yum yum (when she wants to be fed), banana (though, like her brother, and now her parents, she says buena), makes monkey noises whenever she sees a buena (thanks, Henry), and, of course, choo choo.
She can find her nose and belly button and when I ask for a kiss, she attacks my face open mouthed. Her favorite person continues to be Henry. They roughouse and often roll around the floor, kissing one another and laughing. I am thankful that she is big enough to hold her own. She is all smiles when being watched by others, but when I return, she suddenly needs to be held by me STAT. Her favorite sitters are her Auntie Ann and Mrs. Scoggins.
At present, she currently uses more hair products than I do. Her daytime routine includes a hair moisturizer called "Curl Creme Brulee." So she now smells like Caramel. Because, you know, she wasn't delicious enough already! She loves bath time, in particular, splashing. Policeman Henry is quick to gently grab her hands and remind her "No splashing." We wash her hair once a week and co-wash it (wash it with just conditioner) once as well.
She has 14 teeth. 6 of which "erupted" last week. You know, when Daddy was out of town. Awesome.
Gracie continues to be beloved by all who meet her. And she is the apple of her big brother's eye. When someone else holds her, he is quick to let them know that she is his baby. Sometimes he will be playing with trains and just stop, get up, go give her kisses and then return to what he is doing. Yesterday he told me he needed to give her at least 16 kisses a day. On the mornings he does not climb into her crib to snuggle her, he empties her bookshelf into her bed. I am ever so thankful he loves her so dearly. It is why we have instated the following rule--
Gracie will never be allowed to date someone larger than her brother.
Praise the LORD for the great visit!!
i ADORE her!
(and, my hubs wants in on the bbq taste testing!! he he ;)
What great news! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
how amazing! i know you must be so relieved and happy! your family is beautiful, an awesome testimony to how huge God is, and inspiration to us all:)
So glad that her health is all clear! And that is a terrific picture of the little darling!
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