Anybody else faired/festivaled/pumpkin patched/paraded out?
(Not to mention that next weekend is full on Graciepalooza which is then follwed by Halloween).
Good Grief, and to think I feel guilty we're not going to be picking apples this year...
State Fair.
Henry eats a nutritious dinner: a banana dipped in chocolate then rolled in sprinkles.
Bonus points for eating the chocolate that felt off the banana and landed on the ground. Double Doggy bonus for eating said chocolate while Mom screams, "No!" as if in slow motion whilst a group of teenagers point and cheer for you.

Bubble boy at the State Fair.
Henry saw the bubbles from the helicopter ride and it was all he could talk about.
"I want to roll on the water in a bubble. I roll on the water like Jesus."
Deciding that at 3 it was impressive that he a)remembered the story, and b)wanted to in some way be like Jesus, I went with it. "Yes, Henry, being in a hamster ball blown up by a leaf blower is just like Jesus."
Folk Festival.
We went to hear a friend's band--the No BS! Brass Band.
They freakin' rock. Seriously. Gracie literally rocked herself out of her stroller restraints. And then the band led the kids in a Kazoo parade while playing Thriller. Because nothing beats a brass band leading a troop of kazoo playing kids a la New Orleans while you show your husband you still know all the moves to the Thriller dance.
Henry has performed many parades around our living room. Not quite the same as Taylor Barnett on the trumpet, but it'll do.
The Pumpkin Patch at Chesterfield Berry Farm.
And yes, that's Henry playing with Thomas the Tank Engine in the dirt. If you haven't heard, Thomas gets stuck in the mud with great frequency.
22 lb Pumpkin. Not for sale.
(And don't worry that her passie is in the dirt. Dirt goes great with the hay she is eating...)
Henry has spotted the trains and is excited to take his buddy Thomas for a ride.
Henry is serious about his train riding.
Not so much serious about his bounce housing.
Wacky Wednesdays.
My 17 yr old nephew, Anderson, takes Spanish at a college near our house in the mornings and has begun having lunch with us every week. Henry loves the one on one time with a big boy. Their favorite game is "Tickle Monster!!"
View of the Monacan High School Homecoming parade from my driveway. That's right, I've bragged every year about how awesome this is. It was our second annual Phillips/Perry cook out to celebrate the event.
In the words of one child in attendance, "Oh my, is there anything better than people throwing free candy at you?!? YOUR HOUSE IS AWESOME!!" Why, thank you, my little friend.
One of my parenting goals is to have the cool house.
Gracie and her buddy, Abigail, eagerly await the parade. Gracie loved the marching band.
Big shock. Henry and his BFF Nathan loved the candy.
And then the morning after the homecoming parade, we had the Midlothian Day Parade and Festival. It's official: I do not have to purchase Halloween candy.
Gracie napped in her super cute Halloween tights. Seriously? How freakin' cute is my chubbikins daughter?
Riding the Fun Derby Inflatable Horse with Anna Perry. Hadn't planned on riding it, but was standing in line with Henry for one of the smaller horses when I noticed Anna in front of us. She was very upset because she got the big horse and not the little horse. Anna, who is timid by nature, and not wanting to disappoint the derby person or be disrespectful to the attendant, didn't say anything. But she wasn't tall enough to make the horse bounce. She was standing there, bottom lip trembling, and I could see that she was trying to weigh her embarrassment and disappointment against speaking up. So what's a girl to do when she sees the big sister of her son's bestie about to cry? Hop on that horse, of course!
And just so you know, riding Fun Derby inflatable horses will heretofore be on my Murtaugh list. My thighs, butt and lower back are killing me.
And now I'm off to prepare for the biggest celebration of all...T-minus 6 days until The Sweetness is 1!!!
1 comment:
Mrs. Phillips certainly saved Anna's day. She was thrilled that you guys beat the rider to your right. I didn't have the heart to tell her it was the attendant who rides slowly to make the kids feel good. Mission accomplished. THANK YOU for taking one for sweet Anna! I haven't laughed that hard in months, watching you bounce along and Henry quickly jumping on the back, getting in on the action!
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