SOOOOOO....we were picked again! And this time, I can tell you now, that the biological Mom's rights are over with. Her rights were teminated today at 5pm. We have signed paperwork. We are, indeed, this child's legal guardians and in about 6 months or so we are going to petition the Commonwealth of Virginia for her new birth certificate.
As a friend said, this is faster than Brad and Angelina. Our case worker has never in her life seen something like this--that this is not normal and is kind of ridiculously gracious, even for God. To have the mom's rights end on the same day and all. Most people's response has been simply to say "OH MY GOSH!" a bunch of times. Or my dear bestie Robin's response was perfect--"Oh EJ, you're life is such a movie!" (Her saying this only confirms why we are friends.)
I'll tell more of the whole story, but to be short--MARGARET GRACE was born on October 22nd. There have been some medical complications due to the birthmom's poor prenatal care and the like, and she has been in the NICU at UVA in Charlottesville since birth. She is thriving! In fact, the doctor's said they would've discharged her last week, but as of last week, she had nowhere to go. She was 5 lbs, 13 oz and 18 inches long.
We did not name her Emma Sloan, because well, we cannot grieve an Emma if we are raising an Emma. But this little girl is pure GRACE to us. And I'd go on and on about how much we love her and how we are stoked to be bringing her home from the hospital tomorrow, but let's face it. You just want to see cute baby pictures.
Awesome!!! Absolutely perfect, EJ! So thrilled for you and your family!
What more is there to say except God is good!
Congratulations to you, your whole family, and to Baby Grace!
Margaret Grace, I am overwhelmed with thanksgiving for you and your family.
Praise God for his crazy, mysterious ways.
What the????? WOW!
She is beautiful. Congratulations! I'd have to agree that Grace is the perfect name. Tomorrow, oh my goodness.
That is wonderful wonderful wonderful. I can't wait to see and hear more about Margaret's homecoming!!
What an absolute miracle. Congratulations!
She is beautiful- simply beautiful. A door was shut but a window was opened- leave it to the Lord to keep you guessing on what he has in store for you!Congratulations and I will keep you in my prayers.
Kendra Murray
A friend of mine recommended I read your blog as my husband and I are just starting our adotion journey after infertility. I have only read a few posts, but plan to go back to the very beginning. I just wanted you to know how excited I am that you are taking your daughter home today. I will keep you in prayer as you begin your journey as adoptive parents.
Yay!! Praise God! She is sooo beautiful! We can't wait to meet her!! Laura
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