We have a little song we sing for Henry and you can sing it too. Channel your inner Barry Manilow (you know you have one) and sing "Oh Henry, yes you came and you gave without taking. Oh, Henry." (This is not to be confused with the praise song I butchered while feeding him. "Open your mouth to put food in. Open your mouth to get food. I want to feeeeed you. I want to feeeed you." )
Most of the time that I sing the Oh Henry song, it is in tongue in cheek, because really, how many children do you know that come and give without taking? But folks, because of my dear boy and his giving heart, the weather report in Elizabethtown is sunny and breezy, with relative few gusts. (I think the fact that I was able to sleep with the help of some chemistry last night may also be to blame.)
I was sleeping soundly when around 5 am I awoke to Henry having a nightmare in his pack and play at the foot of my bed. Too tired to really comfort him, I dragged him up into bed with me and relished the snuggles and tiny feet that always seem to burrow between legs. Around 7:30 this morning, I was gently awakened by the sensation of a little hand gently rubbing my back and Henry, screaming at me in his best whisper voice, "Mommy. Wake up. Mommy, wake up. I wake. Watch Show. Watch show in bed." and then he preceeded to kiss my forehead. I returned the kiss and said, "Mommy is asleep. We're not watching a show. We are going to cuddle until at least 8 am." And so my boy kissed me again, scooched his little butt up to my belly, and as I wrapped my arms around him he said, "Mommy cuddles Henwe. Mmmmmm."
I am quite certain that this is my all time favorite way to be woken up. It sure beats my dad's "Rise and Shine! If you can't shine, you still gotta rise!!!" followed by yanking the covers off of me and flipping on the lights. Note to Sloan--if you could arrange it so that every morning I am awoken to a backrub, that'd be great.
So I began the day well-rested and quite certain that the tornado that hit Elizabethtown yesterday would not occur again. I'd repented of trying to be in control of everything and was resting in the fact that what did not get completed before we bring Emma home would eventually get done and that the world would not cease to exist. I've delegated some responsibilities and just decided that Emma is going to get to help decorate her room. (And by help, I mean sit in her bouncy seat and look pretty. Sitting and looking pretty is one of my favorite things to do and I'm pretty certain that my daughter will excel in it as well. And don't tell me it isn't a skill. Sitting and looking pretty saved Henry's life, need I remind you.) So I was confident that while I certainly didn't have everything together, I had most things together. That was until I dropped Henry off at preschool only to realize it was my week to bring in snack and I left it on our kitchen counter. Hallelujah for Mrs. Tuck, his amazing teacher, who has back up snack on hand.
So now, still high on the cuddles of my sweet boy, I am no longer confident that I have anything together. But I know a Guy who not only has everything together, but has seen fit to grace me with the best son and daughter a girl could ever dream of. So perhaps I should Rise and Shine and give God the glory glory.
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