We've been knee deep in adoption paperwork since our intake interview on Friday. The interview went well. But, oh. my. gosh. I was SO wrong with thinking there were only 4 more forms to fill out.
Let me give you a run down of what I'm prepping over the next 2 weeks.
1. An emergency evacuation plan. I've had to render a layout of our home, all three floors, draw escape routes, and write up our fire action plan. This has forced us to realize that we need some of those ladder thingys (which has me wondering just how the heck do you crawl down a ladder with a toddler and a baby anyways?)
2. An autobiography. Literally, this is what is typed on the checklist for adoptive parents. We've each had to do one. Thankfully, they give you questions to answer. Even with questions, mine is about ten pages long. Brevity is NOT my strong suit.
How would you answer these questions in less than a paragraph? Describe your parents as individuals and parents. What attributes of their parenting do you wish to emulate? To avoid? Or maybe, What kind of child were you? How did you spend most of your time? (I answered dancing and singing in front of the mirrors in my bedroom, hairbrush in hand.) Describe what the teen years were like for you? What attracted you to your spouse? What are your spouses strengths? Their weaknesses? (Apparently one of my weaknesses is that I expect Sloan to be a mind reader...You mean he's not?) What are the main areas of disagreement in your marriage? (See passage about mind reading.) They also asked lots of questions about our infertility and our views on adoption. Awesome.
3. Medical Examinations. Going on Thursday. Even includes the standard blood workup and urine drug test. Henry needs a letter from his doctor stating that he is healthy and "free of communicable diseases".
4. Family History Data. Basically asking about any and all diseases my family has. Also includes things like hay fever, joint pains (who hasn't had these), and eye strain. Really?
5. Copies of our birth certificates and marriage license.
6. HIPAA forms. Because I obviously am very concerned about my privacy.
7. Sworn statements of disclosure. Basically asking us if we're criminals. We're not.
8. Fingerprint cards. Going to get inky tomorrow.
9. Child Protective Services forms. Which have to be notarized.
10. Statement of Discipline. Basically a form saying we won't beat our kid. Although if you really read it closely, all we're really saying is that we won't use corporal punishment until the child is legally ours. I guess once we're parents, the state doesn't care anymore.
11. Statement of Intent of Guardianship. Basically a legal form saying who gets the kids if we die. (My brother Bill is totally hosed if Sloan and I, along with Sonya and Biff, get into some sort of freak accident as he will suddenly have our kids plus the Pusey 8. Egads.)
12. Statement of Understanding that if our family status changes we'll let Bethany know.
13. Application Fee. (How nice of them to ask for the money last.)
This list does NOT include all the birthparent letter I've written, the "snapshot" of our bios I had to write, which will be included in our Birthparent Profile. (As in the thing they'll look at to see if they like us.)
As you see, I'm pretty busy. As we do all these things, it has gotten very real. I am a bit like a child on Christmas Eve. What great little baby does my Father have for me? In the past, I have learned that I don't dream big enough for the rich blessings of God. I ask for a trip to Bush Gardens, and he takes me to Europe instead. Knowing this, I'm in full swing prepping for baby mode. We hope to be completed with all the training and interviews and have gotten back our recommendations by the end of summer. And then we just wait until we're picked. So really, I've got to be ready for a baby by September. And that guest room isn't going to turn into a nursery by itself...
But in case you think we are neglecting the pickle for the sake of his little sister or brother, fear not.
Henry's newest love is for the water hose. Unfortunately for Mommy, he figured out how to unwind it and turn it on all by himself. And no, that isn't his bathing suit and he isn't wearing a swim diaper. This game of car wash just sort of happened when I went to get the mail. He began dragging toys (and strollers) down to the driveway to hose them off. Two points for him, they were covered in pollen. Next trip to Wal-Mart, we're getting the boy a regular old sprinkler.
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