The made for TV movie of my life. What will it be called? Elizabethtown, of course. (And yes, I did make Sloan pull off the interstate so I could get out of the car and take this picture.)
Literally, for at least 30 minutes a day and longer on the trips to and from, Sloan and I cast the bioepic of my life. I even decided some of the music for the Soundtrack. Because I have so many friends, we have only cast thus far my family.
The cast:
Me--Anne Hathaway. Yes, she'll have to Bridget Jones a bit to play the role. But if you don't think she has the comedic chops to play me, simply rent Bride Wars and pay specific attention to the Dance Off scene during the Bachelorette party.
Sloan--Ben Affleck. For a minute or two he was played by Neil Patrick Harris. And when he gets old he will sooooo be Alec Baldwin.
Sonya (my sister)--Mary Louise Parker.
Biff (Sonya's husband)--Tom Cruise. (This is a big budget made for TV movie.)
Bill (my brother)--Sean Patrick Leanard.
Pam (my sister-in-law)--Emily Proctor (of West Wing and CSI:Miami) Because Reese Witherspoon is too young and Julia Roberts is too tall.
My mom--Stockard Channing.
My dad--Henry Winkler. (Thank you Sloan for this perfect match as I couldn't get past thinking of Martin Sheen whose teeth are too huge to be a dentist's.)
Sloan's Mom--Sally Field.
Sloan's Dad--Brian Dennehy.
And from the soundtrack--
All My Life, David Wilcox
Wide Open Spaces, Dixie Chicks
Superstition, Stevie Wonder
Chocolate, Erin Ivey (for the sexy parts--I dare you not to want to make out with your honey to this song!)
One Angry Dwarf, Ben Folds Five (For the rolling credits, as a way to say "Hey, suck it!" to the people in high school who bothered me. That's right, I've got a bioepic on Lifetime. Only Kara's Tony award could top that in my graduating class.)
Superman, Lazlo Bane (Theme from the TV show Scrubs.)
1 comment:
you know there's gonna be some great flashback scenes in it from your early years.
if we still got to hang out now, i would want to be played by parker posey.
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