Henry has a new favorite past time. The drums. We're talking he sat still on a stool and played the drums for thirty minutes and cried when I took him away to eat dinner at his cousin Anderson's 16th birthday dinner. All night long, if he wasn't strapped in a high chair, he was at the drums. What killed me about all of this was that he was
into it. Not giggling and laughing like he is when playing with cars, but I had the sense of watching someone actually perform. He was concentrating. Had he closed his eyes to "feel it"--I would not have been surprised.

Move over Keith Moon.

Even Isabel can join in on her own set. They're thinking of opening a dueling drum bar called "Henry and Isabel's." Ladies drink for free on Tuesday nights.

But the best part, Mom, is that I can watch myself play the drums in the window.
P.S. Please no one tell my parents that Henry likes to play the drums. He does not need a set of drums for Christmas.
1 comment:
Watch out EJ!!! I grew up in a house with 2 drummers!! It gets loud!!! Good luck with that!
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