Sloan thinks it is a great idea to think of Henry's birthday as a "palooza" type event. We'll promote it big time for five or six years, and then be done with it. His stats--23 lbs 6 oz (50th percentile--Yipee!); 31 1/2 inches (90th percentile); and 85th percentile in noggin circumference. He is having a bit of a time making the transition from the bottle to solely the sippy cup. After much research by Henry, he will only use the Nuby sippy cups. Anything else he tosses. Literally. So I've just gone to the store and stocked up as 2 was simply not enough.

Here are some pics from the 2 days of Henrypalooza.
Who wouldn't be happy after just going shoe shopping with Mommy! He got his first pair of real sneakers--a pair of red Keds.
At lunch at the Cheesecake Factory with Gigi and Papa. We learned that Henry loves Macaroni and Cheese and whipped cream. Ice cream, not so much.
He was also more excited to play with the spoon than eat the ice cream. (How very unPhillips of him!)
At Casa Grande on his birthday night with Grandma and Grandpa Phillips where he got to eat one of his favorite foods from Mommy's rice--peas!

The house all decorated for the big guy's party on Saturday.

Henry is excited to show people around his new house and is stoked that those blasted gates are finally open!

The world's gloppiest and sloppiest decorated birthday cake.

This picture was taken as we were singing "Happy Birthday" to him, which was about the same time his 20 month old cousin Isabel started shrieking with excitement about three feet from Henry.

Henry's previous love of icing did not translate to a love of his cake. He did not like everyone staring at him, singing to him, or the fact that he had this gloppy stuff all over him.

Henry wonders what this candle tastes like.

Why won't Mommy and Daddy comfort me? Can't they see I'm covered in this sticky stuff? Won't somebody pick me up? Mom, is that really the fastest way to clean me up? What are we, cheeba monkeys?
True love in West Virginia. No, Isabel and Henry were separated during dinner at Kabuto, but now are allowed to love on one another before going separate ways. Oh, the talks we will have to have when they are older...
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