Considering that some of my good friends have become professional photogs in their stay-at-home mommydom, I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I took Henry to Sears for his one year old portraits. Even if Mollie or Kristen had offered to give me free pics of Henry, I'm pretty sure Sears beat the costs of getting to Austin or Birmingham. So I would like one of my Richmond friends to become a photographer and use my son as a model. (Hint Hint--Fairy Godmothers--you don't have to be a stay at home mom to take pics of my son!)
It was about as cheesy of an experience as I expected. Henry wore a sailor's outfit and at one point she wanted to put an American Flag backdrop behind him. I said, "Umm. I love my country and all, but I think that'd be a bit much. Maybe if my husband were in the military. How about plain white."
As per the norm, he was wonderful. Active--but wonderful. The photographer had to be quick because he held the poses for about a second and then he was off to find choking hazards or to try and untie his shoes. (A new favorite past time.)

We got this one in black and white for our dining room.

If it weren't for the sailor outfit, I feel like he is about 14 in this picture!

LADIES? (Posing on a bench--60% of the time it works all the time.)

Wouldn't you look good sitting on this bench with me?

I've got my own set of wheels, and check out my moves. I'm a pop and lockin' fool!

Hey, Mom! I've got a better idea to show off my wheels...

I'm so cute and such a stud that it doesn't even matter that I'm wearing this cheesy sailor suit that Mommy just loves.

Or perhaps you are wanting someone a little more introspective...

I am a really good driver.

Hey! Why isn't this thing going?

All right mom, the giant number one is a bit much. But I'm so cute, I can Tim Gunn it (make it work!)

Mom, this pose is a bit much. First the sailor suit. Then the giant number one. Now angled poses. What's next? Hand poses? Me singing "Don't Cry for me Argentina" in drag?

Okay, Mom. I'm gonna drop it likes it hot and at least use this number one to make some noise.

The rhythm is gonna get you...


And Scene.... (I think there was mention of a cinnabon in my future?)