Neither Henry nor Caleb are content in being passengers--both want to drive Henry's car. Later in the day, out of curiosity, Caleb started pulling Henry's hair, to which Henry just turned around and crawled over Caleb as if to say "Hey, I may be a preemie, but I'm still bigger than you."

Peter and Luke chill on Henry's gym. Pretty soon they'll be entering the ring with Henry and Caleb. Peter is working on Henry's crawl over you technique. I suppose Watson, the other member of our Boyz only playgroup, will have to referee.
Ahh, play group is gone and I've got my toys to myself. Ooh--Mommy is trying to take my picture in my hat. I'd rather take the picture myself. Maybe if I crawl over to where she is...
I can pull up and then yank on that dangling lens cap. I wonder what it taste like.
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