A lot has happened today. For starters, I'm pretty sure Henry is having a growth spurt. In fact, if I think my belly is twice as big today as it was yesterday. The masseuse even commented on how it looked like Henry has grown since Friday. So maybe he weighs around 6 lbs by now? Henry has also enjoyed snuggling in uncomfortable positions all day long making my back hurt like crazy. Add this to the fact that I'm uber tired and unbearably hungry, (and having hot flashes), and I've been pretty whiny. Apparently, most pregnant women have swelling in their ankles, but bedridden pregnant women have their swelling in their back. So this makes my back even more uncomfortable. But the end is in sight...
I got new privileges today as I'm 34 weeks tomorrow. I get to take wheelchair rides for 30 minutes to an hour a day and now get showers every other day. Yippee! The plan (at this time) is at 35 weeks to give me some walking around privileges. At 36 weeks I would have no restrictions but would need to stay here for a couple of days to work on my strength. (This is important seeing as just sitting up to eat gets me winded and lightheaded.) At 37 weeks, Dr. Murray said she would send me home with an induction scheduled for 38 weeks. So my prayers have changed. Again. When I first got here it was that Henry would stay put for as long as possible. Then, as he has grown larger, it has been that he would enter the world as soon as soon as his lungs and innards were ready. Now my prayer is that he'll give me at least a couple of days of sleeping in my own bed and setting up some things at home.
For today's wheelchair ride, I took a tour of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (the NICU) and spoke with a Neonatologist. I was very encouraged. Apparently, Henry has about a 15% chance of having immature lungs and that all of the scary long term issues have subsided. He said that there is even the possibility that Henry could bypass the NICU entirely and go straight to the Progressive Care Nursery (which is the step between the NICU and the regular Newborn nursery.) Tomorrow, Sloan and I are planning on taking a tour of the PCN.
Once it rains and some of the pollen washes away, I hope to wheel around some outside.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Yummy Weekend and Happy 6th birthday Joshua!
This past weekend rocked. Maybe it was opening lots of gifts, eating cake, cookies, brownies, shrimp, Turtle Chex mix, and the like (which, by the way, did not mess with my blood sugar). Maybe it was blow drying my hair, wearing real clothes and make up for the first time. Maybe it was all the hugs and kisses from my brother's kids. Maybe it was my friend Stef flying all the way in from Dallas to surprise me. Who knows? Probably some strange mix of all of the above.
I am getting antsy for Henry to be born. I figure at the longest now it will only be four more weeks from Tuesday. May 22nd to be exact. 38 weeks. I have certainly earned my elective induction card and the earliest my OB/GYN will do it is then. But mainly I am excited about giving him kisses and cuddles. And I want to sleep in my own bed. Yeah, I know that Henry won't let me sleep for long. I think Sloan is looking forward to playing Legos with Henry when he gets older. We bought Joshua some Star Wars Legos for his birthday and Sloan saw a Legos kit that lets you build the entire Bat Cave and now he wants it. I said, "So what you're saying is that in about 4 years I'm going to lose you and Henry every Saturday to Legos?" Sloan said, "How come just Saturdays?"
I am getting antsy for Henry to be born. I figure at the longest now it will only be four more weeks from Tuesday. May 22nd to be exact. 38 weeks. I have certainly earned my elective induction card and the earliest my OB/GYN will do it is then. But mainly I am excited about giving him kisses and cuddles. And I want to sleep in my own bed. Yeah, I know that Henry won't let me sleep for long. I think Sloan is looking forward to playing Legos with Henry when he gets older. We bought Joshua some Star Wars Legos for his birthday and Sloan saw a Legos kit that lets you build the entire Bat Cave and now he wants it. I said, "So what you're saying is that in about 4 years I'm going to lose you and Henry every Saturday to Legos?" Sloan said, "How come just Saturdays?"
Friday, April 20, 2007
Henry's Crib

A big thanks to my sister Sonya, and nieces Rachel and Isabel, for putting together Henry's crib. They also did laundry, vacuumed, fixed the disposal, and sorted the mail. As you can see, Isabel enjoys her cousin's carpet.
We still have decorations and curtains to finish putting up, (and the glider is being delivered next week), but having the crib put together is a huge gift.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I'm a Big Kid Now!
I just got back from my pelvic exam and I have stayed the same!!!! This is precisely what the doctor was hoping for and we are both very excited about the news. She gave me a choice between an extra shower a week or potty privileges and I chose potty privileges. I am very excited. I also now get to sit up to eat my meals. Rock on!!!
Potty privileges also means I get to...brush my teeth without a nurse bringing me my toothbrush and spit into a sink rather than a cup... wash my face with something other than a baby wipe...wear shoes occasionally...look in the mirror...not talk to my friends who visit over a bucket of pee...and, possibly the most important of all, FLUSH!
Potty privileges also means I get to...brush my teeth without a nurse bringing me my toothbrush and spit into a sink rather than a cup... wash my face with something other than a baby wipe...wear shoes occasionally...look in the mirror...not talk to my friends who visit over a bucket of pee...and, possibly the most important of all, FLUSH!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
33 Weeks
Today I am 33 weeks pregnant. I have been at the hospital for 61 days. Henry is doing well and is very active. It is very funny to watch my belly gyrate as he wiggles around. I have my next pelvic exam on Thursday. Dr. Murray says she is hoping that things will have stayed the same. If I have remained stable, then I should get bathroom privileges and possibly a couple of wheelchair rides next week. She even offered an afternoon trip outside on a pretty day, however, I confessed that seeing as this is the first spring in recent memory during which I've been able to breathe, I'd rather not sit out in the pollen factory.
I have been watching a lot of the coverage regarding the massacre at Virginia Tech. I have been horrified by both the senseless violence and the idiotic responses of so many outsiders. For example, there was this yahoo from Radford at one of the press conferences who kept asking if the police knew if anything like this was going to happen in future. What? Or how come no one tried to jump on the shooter because that is what he would've done. Sure you would have, hero. I also don't know why so many news outlets found the silliest students they could find who simply spread rumors they heard from a friend whose friend was on campus and heard from their girlfriend that people were scared. I'm also confused as to anyone honestly believes that they could have shut down the university right after the 911 call and how they would've suggested doing this. I remember college and I'm pretty sure that I rarely was awake that early in the morning and if I was by some unfortunate event awake before 10 am, I wasn't checking anything for news coverage. And were they really expecting the doctor's to release the names of the victims and discuss their injuries?
My phlebotomist this morning exemplifies this stupidity. She believes that really the shooting may be a government conspiracy. That we should have some sort of way of communicating with people because what if this was a terrorist attack. That Universities should have a police presence at all times with guns and that teachers should have been calling their students. I said, "so you mean you want to live in a police state with a giant phone tree?"
I do not mean to sound jaded, it is simply that I cannot stand that more people are concerned with placing blame on those who have done nothing but work their butts off to help the victims than on facing the fact that everyday we are confronted with evil and the person to blame for this tragedy is the shooter. We live in a broken world and if we forget this we are fooling ourselves. And yet, the fact that an elderly Holocaust victim gave his life placing himself between the shooter and several students tells me that despite the evil abbounding, God is at work amongst us.
I have been watching a lot of the coverage regarding the massacre at Virginia Tech. I have been horrified by both the senseless violence and the idiotic responses of so many outsiders. For example, there was this yahoo from Radford at one of the press conferences who kept asking if the police knew if anything like this was going to happen in future. What? Or how come no one tried to jump on the shooter because that is what he would've done. Sure you would have, hero. I also don't know why so many news outlets found the silliest students they could find who simply spread rumors they heard from a friend whose friend was on campus and heard from their girlfriend that people were scared. I'm also confused as to anyone honestly believes that they could have shut down the university right after the 911 call and how they would've suggested doing this. I remember college and I'm pretty sure that I rarely was awake that early in the morning and if I was by some unfortunate event awake before 10 am, I wasn't checking anything for news coverage. And were they really expecting the doctor's to release the names of the victims and discuss their injuries?
My phlebotomist this morning exemplifies this stupidity. She believes that really the shooting may be a government conspiracy. That we should have some sort of way of communicating with people because what if this was a terrorist attack. That Universities should have a police presence at all times with guns and that teachers should have been calling their students. I said, "so you mean you want to live in a police state with a giant phone tree?"
I do not mean to sound jaded, it is simply that I cannot stand that more people are concerned with placing blame on those who have done nothing but work their butts off to help the victims than on facing the fact that everyday we are confronted with evil and the person to blame for this tragedy is the shooter. We live in a broken world and if we forget this we are fooling ourselves. And yet, the fact that an elderly Holocaust victim gave his life placing himself between the shooter and several students tells me that despite the evil abbounding, God is at work amongst us.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Two and a Half hours I'll never get back
Sloan and I had a relatively uneventful weekend. I had a massage and we watched movies.
FYI--Do NOT rent the movie Marie Antoinette. It was excruciatingly slow. I will say that at least it was a pretty movie. Great period costumes and shots of Versailles. In the two months I've been on bed rest in the hospital, I can honestly say that watching this movie was the first time I was bored. The high point of the movie was when someone said, "Your Highness--the people have taken the Bastille." I said to Sloan, "Oh, praise God! They'll be dead soon!"
We did, however, redeem the weekend by watching Father Goose. Leave it to Cary Grant to save the day. If you haven't seen it, it is one of his last films and is very cute.
FYI--Do NOT rent the movie Marie Antoinette. It was excruciatingly slow. I will say that at least it was a pretty movie. Great period costumes and shots of Versailles. In the two months I've been on bed rest in the hospital, I can honestly say that watching this movie was the first time I was bored. The high point of the movie was when someone said, "Your Highness--the people have taken the Bastille." I said to Sloan, "Oh, praise God! They'll be dead soon!"
We did, however, redeem the weekend by watching Father Goose. Leave it to Cary Grant to save the day. If you haven't seen it, it is one of his last films and is very cute.
Friday, April 13, 2007
My Son Has Given Me Wings
My days are pretty boring these days. This is a good thing. My doctor says that you want to be interesting at a cocktail party but boring at the hospital. So I thought I'd give you a look at what is roughly my daily schedule.
6am--The nurses come in for my first dose of Nephedipene of the day and to test my blood sugar. (This keeps me from having contractions.) In order to get this med, they take my vitals as my blood pressure has to be 90 over 60. Lots of times my pressure is too low, but I've found that laying on my back usually raises it just enough. My low blood pressure is also one of the reasons the Dr's are hesitant for me to move around a lot. The low blood pressure is a side effect of the Nephedipene. We also listen to Henry at this time. I fall back asleep after this.
7-7:30--Dr. Murray makes her rounds. (She usually arrives around 10 minutes after I fall back asleep.)
8am--Usually by the time I fall back asleep, the nurse comes back in with my Heparin shot (to prevent blood clots). I get the shot in my belly and it is a good day when Henry doesn't kick me while I get my shot. I also get my breakfast at this time and tune into the Today Show for my daily dose of Al Roker.
9:15-9:45ish--I get my blood sugar tested again an hour after I finish eating. I also usually get put on the monitor for my hour long Non-Stress Test where they check for contractions and fetal heartrate. When the sound of Henry's heart beating doesn't lull me to sleep, I press a button every time I feel him move. The nurses always comment in hoe beautiful Henry's strip is.
10-11--Live with Regis and Kelly. Finish my NST. Bathe and get dressed for the day.
12--Lunch and then an hour later, my blood sugar gets tested. I usually get online at this time or sleep.
2--Time again for my vitals and Nephedipine.
3--Guiding Light and playing on the computer.
5--Dinner and then an hour later--blood sugar tested and MASH on the Hallmark Channel.
8--Another Heparine shot in the belly and either NBC or HGTV. Play with my Webkinz online.
10--Vitals, Nephedipene, listen to Henry and pray that I only get up to pee a couple of times in the night.
Occasionally I pull out my little hand mirror and check out my ever growing belly. In the past few days, I can see that Henry has both grown and found himself an odd position. I look like I have wings underneath my ribs. Dr. Murray tells me it is his butt on my right and his feet (which she guesses must be big like his Daddy's) on my left. It is really quite one of the oddest things I've ever seen.
6am--The nurses come in for my first dose of Nephedipene of the day and to test my blood sugar. (This keeps me from having contractions.) In order to get this med, they take my vitals as my blood pressure has to be 90 over 60. Lots of times my pressure is too low, but I've found that laying on my back usually raises it just enough. My low blood pressure is also one of the reasons the Dr's are hesitant for me to move around a lot. The low blood pressure is a side effect of the Nephedipene. We also listen to Henry at this time. I fall back asleep after this.
7-7:30--Dr. Murray makes her rounds. (She usually arrives around 10 minutes after I fall back asleep.)
8am--Usually by the time I fall back asleep, the nurse comes back in with my Heparin shot (to prevent blood clots). I get the shot in my belly and it is a good day when Henry doesn't kick me while I get my shot. I also get my breakfast at this time and tune into the Today Show for my daily dose of Al Roker.
9:15-9:45ish--I get my blood sugar tested again an hour after I finish eating. I also usually get put on the monitor for my hour long Non-Stress Test where they check for contractions and fetal heartrate. When the sound of Henry's heart beating doesn't lull me to sleep, I press a button every time I feel him move. The nurses always comment in hoe beautiful Henry's strip is.
10-11--Live with Regis and Kelly. Finish my NST. Bathe and get dressed for the day.
12--Lunch and then an hour later, my blood sugar gets tested. I usually get online at this time or sleep.
2--Time again for my vitals and Nephedipine.
3--Guiding Light and playing on the computer.
5--Dinner and then an hour later--blood sugar tested and MASH on the Hallmark Channel.
8--Another Heparine shot in the belly and either NBC or HGTV. Play with my Webkinz online.
10--Vitals, Nephedipene, listen to Henry and pray that I only get up to pee a couple of times in the night.
Occasionally I pull out my little hand mirror and check out my ever growing belly. In the past few days, I can see that Henry has both grown and found himself an odd position. I look like I have wings underneath my ribs. Dr. Murray tells me it is his butt on my right and his feet (which she guesses must be big like his Daddy's) on my left. It is really quite one of the oddest things I've ever seen.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I spent most of yesterday nursing my food hangover. I will not be having any PF Chang's for awhile. A good long while. So my asparagus, half of a baked potato, and mystery meat with gravy dinner last night was not met with much love. Particularly since I knew Sloan was at a business dinner at Bookbinder's eating filet mignon and lobster.
Dr. Murray measured my belly yesterday morning and it was 33 cm, which is about 1 cm above average. She estimates that Henry weighs between 4 1/2 and 5 lbs. Which isn't surprising as he now wakes me up with his wiggling on a regular basis. Now that we are past 32 weeks and creeping closer to 34, I've stopped praying that he'll stay put for a long time. I'm now praying that he'll come as soon as his lungs and brain are ready and hopefully not too early in the morning. He can fatten up when he gets here.
Dr. Murray measured my belly yesterday morning and it was 33 cm, which is about 1 cm above average. She estimates that Henry weighs between 4 1/2 and 5 lbs. Which isn't surprising as he now wakes me up with his wiggling on a regular basis. Now that we are past 32 weeks and creeping closer to 34, I've stopped praying that he'll stay put for a long time. I'm now praying that he'll come as soon as his lungs and brain are ready and hopefully not too early in the morning. He can fatten up when he gets here.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I think I'm Gonna Puke
So I made it to 32 weeks! I feel a bit like a kid learning to swim. I doggy paddle to Mommy and then Mommy takes three steps back. First the goal was 28 weeks. Then 30. Then 32. Now 34. But I'm excited to have made it this far.
Sloan and I celebrated by eating PF Chang's and I ate way too much. About halfway through my lemon pepper shrimp I said, "Ugh. I'm full, but it tastes so good." I even ate so much that my blood sugar was a bit high. I'm now nursing feeling grotesque and bloated with a Diet Ginger Ale. I'm so full an hour later that I'm a bit winded. From eating. It is like Henry's heiny and my giant lettuce wrap filled stomach have moved into the neighborhood where my lungs used to live.
Sloan and I celebrated by eating PF Chang's and I ate way too much. About halfway through my lemon pepper shrimp I said, "Ugh. I'm full, but it tastes so good." I even ate so much that my blood sugar was a bit high. I'm now nursing feeling grotesque and bloated with a Diet Ginger Ale. I'm so full an hour later that I'm a bit winded. From eating. It is like Henry's heiny and my giant lettuce wrap filled stomach have moved into the neighborhood where my lungs used to live.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Happy 12th Birthday Caleb!
First, I want to send a big birthday shout out to my nephew, Caleb. Happy Birthday!
I am in much better spirits today. I spoke with Dr. Murray and she had thought I had been only having 2 showers a week thus far and wanted me to go back to that. When I told her, no, I'd been having three a week since week 27, she gave me back my third shower. So today, I have smooth legs and clean curly hair. She also has given me strict orders to eat cake at my baby shower in two weeks.
Dietary has also been getting my meals correct today. Usually about three times a week my meal gets messed up and they send me something carborific and slathered in sugar that I can't eat. Well, adding fuel to the fire yesterday was that every meal was messed up. And when they send the wrong thing it usually takes about 45 minutes for my nurse to remind the cafeteria of my order and then receive. And I've always been snippy when hungry and pregnancy doesn't help. So at 6:45 last night, when she brought my correct dinner, the cafeteria worker tried to explain to me how it was my fault my meals were messed up.
"Maybe you don't understand how to fill out the menu or how it works. Are you new?"
"Umm, no. I've been here 2 months."
"Wow. That's a long time."
"Yeah. And I figure it's about time for y'all to get my meals right."
"You are filling them out wrong. Even though the first day is Sunday, we don't look at it until Monday so the Sunday is actually next Sunday."
I paused. "Hmm. First of all, that is asinine--which means it's stupid. In the Western Hemisphere, we read from top to bottom and left to right. You have Sunday at the beginning of this menu. If you mean for Monday to be the beginning of the week, Monday should be at the top. Secondly, by your backwards logic, I should be receiving today last week's menu's Sunday's meals." I pull out that menu. "This is not what you sent. I'm diabetic. I'd never order French Toast with maple syrup. Or macaroni and cheese."
"Oh. Well. You need to learn to write the menu."
Now, in my mind, I want to say to her Listen you greasy haired tongue ringed cafeteria worker, I've been stuck here in bed for 2 months. You work in the cafeteria. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who is at fault here. Instead I said, "Um, no. I don't think it's that."
Yeah, I know. It wasn't very Christian of me. But it felt great to be a bit snippy. I also finally cracked open my bar of Sugar Free Dark Chocolate. It rocked! So if you happen to be at Westbury Pharmacy and see the GuyLian fine Belgian dark chocolate No Sugar Added--feel free to bring me some chocolate. Studies show that dark chocolate reduces your risk for heart attacks, strokes, and in my case, mental breakdowns.
I am in much better spirits today. I spoke with Dr. Murray and she had thought I had been only having 2 showers a week thus far and wanted me to go back to that. When I told her, no, I'd been having three a week since week 27, she gave me back my third shower. So today, I have smooth legs and clean curly hair. She also has given me strict orders to eat cake at my baby shower in two weeks.
Dietary has also been getting my meals correct today. Usually about three times a week my meal gets messed up and they send me something carborific and slathered in sugar that I can't eat. Well, adding fuel to the fire yesterday was that every meal was messed up. And when they send the wrong thing it usually takes about 45 minutes for my nurse to remind the cafeteria of my order and then receive. And I've always been snippy when hungry and pregnancy doesn't help. So at 6:45 last night, when she brought my correct dinner, the cafeteria worker tried to explain to me how it was my fault my meals were messed up.
"Maybe you don't understand how to fill out the menu or how it works. Are you new?"
"Umm, no. I've been here 2 months."
"Wow. That's a long time."
"Yeah. And I figure it's about time for y'all to get my meals right."
"You are filling them out wrong. Even though the first day is Sunday, we don't look at it until Monday so the Sunday is actually next Sunday."
I paused. "Hmm. First of all, that is asinine--which means it's stupid. In the Western Hemisphere, we read from top to bottom and left to right. You have Sunday at the beginning of this menu. If you mean for Monday to be the beginning of the week, Monday should be at the top. Secondly, by your backwards logic, I should be receiving today last week's menu's Sunday's meals." I pull out that menu. "This is not what you sent. I'm diabetic. I'd never order French Toast with maple syrup. Or macaroni and cheese."
"Oh. Well. You need to learn to write the menu."
Now, in my mind, I want to say to her Listen you greasy haired tongue ringed cafeteria worker, I've been stuck here in bed for 2 months. You work in the cafeteria. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who is at fault here. Instead I said, "Um, no. I don't think it's that."
Yeah, I know. It wasn't very Christian of me. But it felt great to be a bit snippy. I also finally cracked open my bar of Sugar Free Dark Chocolate. It rocked! So if you happen to be at Westbury Pharmacy and see the GuyLian fine Belgian dark chocolate No Sugar Added--feel free to bring me some chocolate. Studies show that dark chocolate reduces your risk for heart attacks, strokes, and in my case, mental breakdowns.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
not so Happy Easter
Put simply, this weekend sucked. My exam revealed that I'm now 3 cm dilated and my amniotic sac is bulging out. My doctor tried to alleviate my disappointment by telling me I could have some chocolate for an Easter treat, but some things even chocolate can't help.
So there is no more talk of me going home at 34 weeks. There is no more talk of getting wheelchair privileges. No more hopes of going to the potty. And my shower privileges have gone from 4 'normal' length to two 2 minute showers. This is the worst it has been in a month, and to be honest--I'm pretty ticked off. I hadn't even gotten my extra shower and it is now gone. And I still won't have any more ultrasounds for awhile.
I didn't find out about the shower thing until this morning, so when Sloan (who was still asleep on the floor when Dr. Murray was here) said, "Happy Easter"--my response was, "Yeah. Happy *#@& Easter." This morning, I suppose, I replaced my desire to go to the potty with a potty mouth.
On a brighter note, I had been craving Doritos so Sloan brought me a snack bag to have as my Easter treat. I realized that Doritos have fewer carbs than Baked Lays (which I can have). Sloan is buying my some more Doritos this evening.
I know that Henry is still safe and for that I'm thankful. I also know that I've made it further than anyone expected. I know that none of this is my fault and that at some point I'll get to sleep in my own bed, shave my legs, eat whatever I want, not be woken up by someone with a needle, and, oh yeah, have a son. I also know that this is still the easiest Henry will ever be to take care of and that there are people starving in the Sudan. So I don't need any Hallmark cards with rainbows and daffodils reminding of these things. I just need some time and permission to take a day or two to be pissed off, cry, and talk like a sailor.
So there is no more talk of me going home at 34 weeks. There is no more talk of getting wheelchair privileges. No more hopes of going to the potty. And my shower privileges have gone from 4 'normal' length to two 2 minute showers. This is the worst it has been in a month, and to be honest--I'm pretty ticked off. I hadn't even gotten my extra shower and it is now gone. And I still won't have any more ultrasounds for awhile.
I didn't find out about the shower thing until this morning, so when Sloan (who was still asleep on the floor when Dr. Murray was here) said, "Happy Easter"--my response was, "Yeah. Happy *#@& Easter." This morning, I suppose, I replaced my desire to go to the potty with a potty mouth.
On a brighter note, I had been craving Doritos so Sloan brought me a snack bag to have as my Easter treat. I realized that Doritos have fewer carbs than Baked Lays (which I can have). Sloan is buying my some more Doritos this evening.
I know that Henry is still safe and for that I'm thankful. I also know that I've made it further than anyone expected. I know that none of this is my fault and that at some point I'll get to sleep in my own bed, shave my legs, eat whatever I want, not be woken up by someone with a needle, and, oh yeah, have a son. I also know that this is still the easiest Henry will ever be to take care of and that there are people starving in the Sudan. So I don't need any Hallmark cards with rainbows and daffodils reminding of these things. I just need some time and permission to take a day or two to be pissed off, cry, and talk like a sailor.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Very Good Friday
Fridays rock. Massage. Shower. My sweet Sloan spends the night.
I think Henry is going through a growth spurt as I am now constantly hungry and tired. And he has begun waking me up in the middle of the night with his incessant, but sweet, wiggling. He is not so much a kicker lately, rather he shakes his little heiny which is lodged under my ribs on the right side. OK, so his is dancing and kicking now. I have the TV's speaker right by my belly and it's the beginning of Ellen. So they are dancing together. He also tends to be wigglier on the days I have young, pretty nurses.
I had my first regular length seated shower today and it feels fabulous to be clean. Tomorrow my doctor is going to wheel me down the hall to an exam room for my checkup, so that should be a fun too.
I think Henry is going through a growth spurt as I am now constantly hungry and tired. And he has begun waking me up in the middle of the night with his incessant, but sweet, wiggling. He is not so much a kicker lately, rather he shakes his little heiny which is lodged under my ribs on the right side. OK, so his is dancing and kicking now. I have the TV's speaker right by my belly and it's the beginning of Ellen. So they are dancing together. He also tends to be wigglier on the days I have young, pretty nurses.
I had my first regular length seated shower today and it feels fabulous to be clean. Tomorrow my doctor is going to wheel me down the hall to an exam room for my checkup, so that should be a fun too.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Potty Talk
I had another ultrasound and things are looking good. They didn't do measurements this week, but Henry's heart looks lovely; he is in the perfect position, and he appears to be sprouting some hair! Dr. Troyer printed out a picture of it for me, but I only know it's his hair because she printed the word "HAIR" on the screen.
After a week of laying flat, my cervix is only dilated 1.3 cm! This is the smallest I've been since being admitted 7 weeks ago. Also, I was informed that this would be my last in-room hospital ultrasound as next week I will get to take a wheelchair ride across the hospital parking lot to my doctor's office! I also get to take normal length showers (still seated) and now get to take 4 a week (as opposed to three 2 minute showers). I look forward to shaving my legs with a regular razor. Electric razors just don't get you smooth.
Dr. Murray, my normal OB/GYN, is on call this weekend, and she will give me a regular exam. Depending upon that, I may be able to use the regular potty as early as Saturday! Getting to go to the regular potty opens up a whole new world for me. I get to brush my teeth and wash my face without the aid of nurses. I'll start wearing pants. Maybe even put a pair of flip-flops on from time to time. I may also dabble in getting Sloan to bring me make-up.
So tomorrow morning, when you wake up at 5 am and those voices in your head start fighting--you know the fight--"Go back to sleep." "No. I've got to pee." "You can make it to 7." "The bathroom is not that far." "You may have to turn on the light." "I could've already peed by now....." So when you have that fight--JUST GET UP AND GO!!!! Be thankful for that porcelain seat. It could be a bucket.
After a week of laying flat, my cervix is only dilated 1.3 cm! This is the smallest I've been since being admitted 7 weeks ago. Also, I was informed that this would be my last in-room hospital ultrasound as next week I will get to take a wheelchair ride across the hospital parking lot to my doctor's office! I also get to take normal length showers (still seated) and now get to take 4 a week (as opposed to three 2 minute showers). I look forward to shaving my legs with a regular razor. Electric razors just don't get you smooth.
Dr. Murray, my normal OB/GYN, is on call this weekend, and she will give me a regular exam. Depending upon that, I may be able to use the regular potty as early as Saturday! Getting to go to the regular potty opens up a whole new world for me. I get to brush my teeth and wash my face without the aid of nurses. I'll start wearing pants. Maybe even put a pair of flip-flops on from time to time. I may also dabble in getting Sloan to bring me make-up.
So tomorrow morning, when you wake up at 5 am and those voices in your head start fighting--you know the fight--"Go back to sleep." "No. I've got to pee." "You can make it to 7." "The bathroom is not that far." "You may have to turn on the light." "I could've already peed by now....." So when you have that fight--JUST GET UP AND GO!!!! Be thankful for that porcelain seat. It could be a bucket.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Save the Crabs. Then Eat Them.
So today I am 31 weeks pregnant. I am still waiting for my ultrasound, but I am almost certain that I will have another steroid shot for Henry's lungs this evening. Yippee. Dr. Murray is hopeful that I'll get to graduate to the real potty next week as 32 weeks is another big milestone, so I am not expecting any new privileges this week.
I am also excited today because my friend (and former boss), Red, brought me some peeps. But wait, you are thinking--don't you still have gestational diabetes? Yes. But there is nothing I love more than stale Peeps, so I have opened the package so that when Henry is born, they will be nice and crunchy. You know who else loves stale Peeps? Al Roker.
I have also developed aversions to certain commercials. Apparently, it is a new trend to use the muppet song. I blame my beloved Diet Dr. Pepper for this. It is in the Big Lots & Saturn commercials. And often these commercials run back to back so I am stuck with that crazy "Monomona Doo Doo Do Doo Do" in my head all day. Thank God for the mute button. I do, however, have a couple commercials I actually enjoy. The Jimmy Dean commercials with the sunshine are great. There are also these local commercials that talk about not using fertilizer on your lawns because they contaminate Virginia and Maryland's rivers and hurt the crabs. The tag line is "Save the Crabs. Then eat them."
I am also excited today because my friend (and former boss), Red, brought me some peeps. But wait, you are thinking--don't you still have gestational diabetes? Yes. But there is nothing I love more than stale Peeps, so I have opened the package so that when Henry is born, they will be nice and crunchy. You know who else loves stale Peeps? Al Roker.
I have also developed aversions to certain commercials. Apparently, it is a new trend to use the muppet song. I blame my beloved Diet Dr. Pepper for this. It is in the Big Lots & Saturn commercials. And often these commercials run back to back so I am stuck with that crazy "Monomona Doo Doo Do Doo Do" in my head all day. Thank God for the mute button. I do, however, have a couple commercials I actually enjoy. The Jimmy Dean commercials with the sunshine are great. There are also these local commercials that talk about not using fertilizer on your lawns because they contaminate Virginia and Maryland's rivers and hurt the crabs. The tag line is "Save the Crabs. Then eat them."
Sunday, April 1, 2007
More Ninja Warrior
I think rather than a soccer player, Henry is working out in utero to be a Ninja Warrior Champion. When Sloan and I watched it today, he went crazy. When my vitals were being checked, he even had an accelerated heart rate for awhile before it went back down once we muted the TV. Maybe the Japanese shouting confused him?
When Sloan was moving between Houston and Chadsford, PA for the third or fourth time, his family lived in a Holiday Inn for a long time as their house was being finished. During this time, he and his brother, Marshall, came up with a long list of foods they wanted Mom to cook after they moved as eating out grew old quickly. Like them, I too have come up with a list of foods--except I want to do the cooking.
1. Mustard Glazed Pork tenderloin with garlic mashed potatoes and wilted spinach
2. Shrimp fried rice
3. Steak au poivre
4. Greensboro chicken with curry rice
5. Good Eats' meatloaf
6. Pesto gnocchi
7. Chicken Parmesan
8. My mother-in-law's Chicken divan
9. Blueberry pancakes with real maple syrup
When Sloan was moving between Houston and Chadsford, PA for the third or fourth time, his family lived in a Holiday Inn for a long time as their house was being finished. During this time, he and his brother, Marshall, came up with a long list of foods they wanted Mom to cook after they moved as eating out grew old quickly. Like them, I too have come up with a list of foods--except I want to do the cooking.
1. Mustard Glazed Pork tenderloin with garlic mashed potatoes and wilted spinach
2. Shrimp fried rice
3. Steak au poivre
4. Greensboro chicken with curry rice
5. Good Eats' meatloaf
6. Pesto gnocchi
7. Chicken Parmesan
8. My mother-in-law's Chicken divan
9. Blueberry pancakes with real maple syrup
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