I am going to try and update this as often as possible, however, it is a tedious task while I'm not allowed to sit up or even lay flat in the bed. As for now, Henry is doing great and I am holding steady dialated at 2cm with less funneling than I had when I was admitted 10 days ago. I haven't had any contractions either since last Friday. The doctors are hopeful that I'll make it to 28 weeks (March 13th).
Tomorrow is 26 weeks.
Thanks to everyone who has called, emailed, and visited. I'm putting a moratorium on people bringing me books b/c I've now got about 10 to read. (Which is a great problem to have.) If you really want to bring something with you, snag a roll of soft toilet tissue from your house before you visit.
I have another ultrasound with Dr. Troyer tomorrow so I'll let you know more then.
As for now, if you want to "share" in this experience with me--I'm going to try to give you a daily challenge of tasks I've mastered. So today, see if you can shave your armpits while laying down with your feet above your head.
Also, for more on the rationale on my lowered head position, Google "Trendelenburg Position."
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