Wednesday, July 11, 2007

2 month check up and you're putting a camera where?

Henry had his 2 month check up on the 5th (when he was actually 10 weeks old). He weighed 12 lbs 2 oz and was 22 1/2 inches long! He is in the 75% for weight and 25% for height. The doctor said that it takes longer for preemies to catch up in height and not to worry--his feet and hands are still good indicators that he will show off his dad's Swedish heritage. The doctor was very pleased with his progress!

He also has slept through the night once. But the next day I bragged about it and so he hasn't done it since. I am hoping he will tonight as he was awake from 7:30 am to around 3:30pm today. But fortunately, he isn't screaming when he is awake so he remains a relatively easy baby. I suppose he figures I put up with enough while I was pregnant.

My pregnancy bed rest is still haunting me as I'm having some GI trouble and get to have a flexible sigmoidoscopy in a week and a half. Sigmoidoscopy is a fancy way of saying "butt-scope." Awesome!! Thankfully, the gastrointerologist's office is literally around the corner from my room at the hospital, so it will be a bit of a homecoming for me.

Happy 4th

So we headed out to my sister's for the fourth. We grilled some shrimp on the barbie and I ate my weight in mozzarella and tomato salad. I also made my traditional strawberry, blueberry, angel food cake and homemade whipped cream parfait. (Go ahead and say it in your best Eddie Murphy voice, "Parfait! Everybody loves parfait!" After Sloan's impression of Shrek's Donkey, I think my 6 year old nephew Joshua's rendition is the best.)

Henry enjoyed sleeping in his cousin Isabel's amby baby sling and even went for his first dip in the pool. And my oh my is he ever like my father, Papa, as he fell asleep in the pool. As I write this, I have been trying to get Henry to go down for a nap for about three hours, so it seems a little odd to think of Henry snoozing in the pool--but nevertheless, he did.

He enjoyed snoozing on a floaty in the pool and cuddling with his cousins on the floaty as well. Once again, his cousin Isabel loved on him and we may have to have a "You can love your cousin so long as you don't LOVE your cousin" talk in the future.